Squamish Valley Music Festival: Brennan Park Lands
In preparation for the 2015 Squamish Valley Music Festival, and with forethought for future events, the Live at Squamish Partnership seeks to improve egress between the venues on the Brennan Park lands by replacing the existing culvert and gravel crossing with a permanent clear-span timber bridge over the Brennan Park Enhancement Channel. This would ease movement between the All Weather Fields and the Northern Baseball Fields during the event. The permanent bridge deck will be of similar dimensions to that of the temporary bridge deck used in 2014 and will be placed in the same location to minimize disturbance.
As the works will take place within 30 m of a watercourse, they are within the District of Squamish’s Development Permit Area 11 Protection of Riparian Areas.
The Brennan Park Enhancement Channel and the surrounding riparian vegetation were established through previous compensation efforts. The channel is fish-bearing, and provides rearing habitat for juvenile salmonids.
The bridge deck will be wider than the existing culvert crossing, however clear-span bridges improve the quality of fish habitat, in comparison to culverts.
The proposed works will also entail transplanting the riparian vegetation from the work area to a riparian compensation area located upstream of the proposed bridge.
The project has been referred to the province (BC Ministry of Environment) and to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
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