High Streamflow Advisory issued for Howe Sound

The River Forecast Centre is issuing a High Streamflow Advisory for Howe Sound and Sea to Sky.

A significant weather pattern change will occur this week. Temperatures are forecast to increase considerably compared to the recent extended cold weather and snowfalls. Additionally, moderate to heavy rainfall is expected for Tuesday and Wednesday. The combination of low elevation snowpack, warming temperatures and heavy rainfall will result in rapid rises for creeks and rivers, especially at low and mid-elevation watersheds on the coast which could result in minor to significant flooding.

Rivers are expected to begin increasing on Tuesday and likely peak Wednesday or Thursday.

Areas that experienced flooding last year may have added vulnerabilities due to erosion and higher baseflow conditions.

The public is advised to stay clear of the fast-flowing rivers and potentially unstable riverbanks during the high-streamflow period.

The River Forecast Centre continues to monitor the conditions and will provide updates as conditions warrant.

Stay tuned to the River Forecast Centre website for details. 

January 9, 2022

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