Official Community Plan draft is ready for public review December 1

After many months of visioning, policy review, drafting and public engagement with hundreds of Squamish residents aged 8 to 80, the District of Squamish Official Community Plan (OCP) update process is nearly complete. The fourth and final phase launches on December 1 with the public release of the draft Squamish2040 Official Community Plan. The document will be available for public review and feedback at on December 1.

“This is truly a ‘made in Squamish’ plan that this community has built together during this extensive update process,” says District of Squamish Mayor Patricia Heintzman. “It’s important that citizens review the plan and stand up for what they believe to be important for our town’s future. What do you like? What don’t you like? We want to know.”

The Official Community Plan consists of five community goals: Resilient, Liveable, Healthy, Connected and Engaged. The final plan represents the ongoing contributions made by local stakeholders throughout the engagement process and includes key objectives and policies that will help to inform local decision-making for years to come.

Residents can learn more and stay involved in the following ways:

The Official Community Plan sets the vision, objectives, goals and priorities for future growth in Squamish and includes tools and policies that will guide future planning decisions on new developments, jobs, housing and the environment. The current OCP was adopted in 2010.

The Squamish 2040 Official Community Plan update process launched in January 2016 with a multi-faceted public engagement process that included community questionnaires, OCPizza parties, youth outreach, mobile ‘pop-up’ events, stakeholder meetings, a public visioning event and public open houses, as well as government agency engagement, including Squamish Nation.

The District would like to take this opportunity to thank a dedicated group of local residents who have helped shepherd this process along as part of the Community Advisory Committee. Thank you to the following residents who have invested countless volunteer hours into shaping the public engagement process to ensure the plan reflects and responds to community priorities and input: (in alphabetical order) Lisa Ames, Deanna Bell, Christina Bergin, Bill Cavanagh, Karen Cook, Gary Fitzpatrick, Kristine Good, John Hawkings, Murray Journeay, Darcy McNeil, Grant McRadu, Sally Rudd and Toran Savjord.

To read the Squamish2040 OCP and learn more about the update process visit


November 24, 2017

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