Public Statement - Resolution of Censure and Sanctions

On October 24, 2023, Council for the District of Squamish made a decision to issue a motion of censure against Councillor Andersen for disclosing confidential information in breach of his duty in section 117 of the Community Charter and section 3.5.1(a) and (b) of Council’s Code of Conduct Bylaw. A Censure is a formal statement that Council is reprimanding one of its members for conduct that it considers unbecoming a member of Council and worthy of sanction. Council considered Councillor Andersen’s breach to be just that. As a result, Council resolved to apply certain sanctions in accordance with the District’s Code of Conduct Bylaw: 

Council took the matter very seriously and would not have taken such actions over a minor concern. Council assures the community that due process and procedural fairness were followed. In particular, the allegations were carefully and thoroughly investigated as per the process set out in the District’s Code of Conduct Bylaw. Councillor Andersen was provided with a fair opportunity to participate in the process and to respond to the allegations prior to Council’s consideration of the censure motion.

Due to the confidentiality requirements provided for in section 117 of the Community Charter and provincial privacy legislation, Council members are not able to discuss the details of the matter. Council looks forward to putting this matter behind them so that it can turn its attention more fully to the needs and business of the District and community.

October 27, 2023

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