The new Building Permit Guide provides you with information and resources required to apply for a Building Permit. If you have any further questions about your project, prior to submitting your application please email, call 604-815-6872 or visit Municipal Hall to speak with a Development Services’ Clerk.
To apply for a building permit, you must submit a building permit application form along with all of the required documentation. Visit Building Permits for an overview and Application Guides, Forms & Resources for the Building Permit Kit.
To confirm your property zone, use the Parcel & Land Use Map (open Layers menu and use the check box to turn on Zoning layer).
To confirm the heights and setbacks for your zone, refer to the Zoning Bylaw.
The Province of British Columbia defines Development Cost Charges as follows: Land development often leads to an increase in the demand for sewer, water, drainage, parks and roads. Development cost charges (DCC's) are monies that the District collects from land developers to offset that portion of the costs related to the increased demand on services and infrastructure that are created as a direct result of new development. Land developers pay DCCs instead of the existing taxpayers who are not creating additional demands on infrastructure. DCCs are applied as one-time charges against residential, commercial, industrial and institutional developments. They are collected from land developers at the time of subdivision approval or at the time of issuing a Building Permit. DCCs may apply to your project and are subject to change
Please refer to the Development Cost Charges Bylaw for current rates. If you have any questions about these charges and whether they apply to your project, please contact the Development Services Department.
You pay for the balance or your building permit when you collect it from Municipal Hall. Building permit fees are paid in cash, cheque, debit, credit (up to $2,000) or money order payable to the District of Squamish.
Sheds that are a maximum of 10 m2 (107 ft2) do not require a building permit. Minimum setbacks to property lines still apply and will depend on property zoning. Sheds larger than 10 m2 (107 ft2) require a permit.
If the deck structure is 0.6m (2.0 ft) or greater in height at any location, setbacks must be met and a building permit is required for. A building permit is not required for decks under 0.6m (2.0ft) in height. If you are unsure about a specific project, please contact our office.
The BC Building Code is now offered for free online. You can access the building code, plus the plumbing code and fire code at BC Publications.
To book a building inspection please call 604.815.6872. Inspections are held Monday to Friday from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
While we do our best to keep wait times to a minimum, during high volume periods the first available inspection date may be up to 5 business days away.
For the complete list of required building inspections, please refer to the Master Building Inspection List.
An application shall be cancelled and the building permit application fee forfeited if the building permit has not been issued and the permit fee paid within 60 calendar days of the date of written notification to the owner that the permit is ready to be issued. Furthermore, a building permit will expire and the rights of the owner (under the permit) will terminate if:
IMPORTANT: When an application is cancelled, the plans and related documents submitted with the application may be destroyed.
A building permit will expire 180 days from the date a complete application is received and not issued unless the permit is not issued due to delays caused by the District.
You are required to have services (water, sanitary, and storm) connected to your property line prior to the issuance of your Building Permit. To confirm existing services, contact the Engineering Department at 604.815.5012, or visit Municipal Hall.
Once your Building Permit application is submitted, if your lot is not pre-serviced appropriately, public works will provide you with a quote to install the required services from the main to your property line. If existing services are insufficient for the proposed construction, district staff will determine any additional upgrades and costs prior to the commencement of work. Single unit, two unit and accessory dwelling unit water upgrades are determined by assessing the fixture count and projected water use. More complex building projects vary in upgrade requirements and may require a site servicing agreement.
Please reference the Guide for more information on servicing.
Please refer to the Spatial Separation Fire Requirements within the Building Requirements & Inspections section of the Building Guide. Please refer to the "Fire Department 10 minute Response Areas map".
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