Active Transportation is human powered transportation. Cycling, walking, rolling in a wheelchair, and skateboarding are some common examples of active transportation in Squamish.
In Squamish 52% our of greenhouse gas emissions are from transportation. For short trips, cycling and walking can play a significant role in combating climate change. The Community Climate Action Plan has more details on how switching from a car to active transportation helps reduce emissions.
Active transportation incorporates physical activity into your daily routine, increases mobility and social equity while improving community livability and safety by getting people out of their cars, and interacting in their community.
The Canadian Automobile Association estimates the cost of owning and operating a car to be $8,944.50/year compared to $150/year for a bicycle, and shifts from driving to walking or bicycling provide roadway infrastructure and traffic service cost savings.
The District of Squamish supports active transportation through the Active Transportation Plan and the Community Climate Action Plan's Big Move Shift Beyond the Car. There is also strong direction in the Official Community Plan. Transportation currently accounts for 52% of Squamish's emissions. Squamish’s goals are to increase transportation choices within the community and to provide an accessible, sustainable, and efficient transportation system for all users, including commuter cycling, walking, wheelchairs, scooters, walkers and strollers so that we can replace car trips with Active Transportation. The Active Transportation plan outlines infrastructure projects as well as actions and policies to support and encourage walking and cycling in Squamish over the next 20 years and beyond.
Through initiatives such as Safe Routes to School and the annual active transportation capital projects, the District is working to improve our commuter cycling, mixed use trail, and sidewalk networks. The Community Bike Map, or the District Webmap have information on trails and connections to help you walk, bike or roll around Squamish.
Community awareness campaigns like Be Bright at Night and GoByBike Week help bring attention to Active Transportation and encourage community members to try switching from a single occupancy car to active transportation.
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