Urban Wildlife Video Series

The Urban Wildlife Video Series offers both residents and visitors important tips to mitigate conflict with bears and cougars while at home and while out on the trails.

Bears at Home

Keep your community safe and prevent the unnecessary destruction of wildlife by learning how to keep bears out of your neighbourhood.

Bears on the Trails

Know before you go…Squamish is Hardwired for Adventure and is located in bear country. Learn how to prevent encounters with bears while out adventuring on the trails.

Cougars at Home

Keep your community safe and prevent the unnecessary destruction of wildlife by learning how to keep cougars out of your neighbourhood.

Cougars on the Trails

Know before you go…Squamish is Hardwired for Adventure and is located in cougar country. Learn how to prevent encounters with cougars while out adventuring on the trails

Want to see more? Check out Shaw TV's wildlife stories:


And Meg Toom representing WildsafeBC on Global News

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