Northridge Watermain and PRV

A major watermain along the Hunter Trail and Vista Crescent will be replaced this summer as part of the ongoing upgrades to the District's water infrastructure.



The primary goals of this important project include:

  • Improve the reliability of the District’s water system by eliminating existing watermain and replacing this aged infrastructure with more resilient material.
  • Complete a redundant trunk feed from the Hospital Hill area to the downtown area to improve fire and emergency flows within the municipal system.
  • Improve the District maintenance operations of the pressure reducing stations.

Phase 1

  • Asphalt to be removed (milled) the week of June 9th.
  • Contractor to mobilize for watermain installation the week of June 16th. 
  • The contractor will attempt to use a rock breaker on an excavator to make the new trench.  Blasting will only be utilized if the rock breaking is unsuccessful. 
  • This phase is expected to take 2-3 weeks.
  • Residents can expect single lane alternating traffic within the immediate construction zone.

Phase 2

  • Asphalt to be removed (milled) the week of June 23rd.
  • Contractor to complete watermain installation in 3-4 weeks.
  • Limited blasting or rock breaking is anticipated in this phase.
  • Residents can expect single lane alternating traffic in the immediate construction zone. We respectfully request local traffic only on Vista Crescent and please use Northridge Drive where possible.

Phase 3

  • Residents can expect trail closures on the Hunter Trail Monday – Friday and the trail will be open on weekends.
  • Contractor to complete watermain installation in 2-3 weeks.
  • Some work will commence at the steep section of the Hunter Trail at Scott Crescent starting in July but we do not currently expect the watermain installation to commence up the trail until after Phase 2 is complete.

Please note, this is our best effort at predicting the timeframe of the work, but the above is subject to change.  

Neighbourhood Impact

District waterworks staff will be working in the area of Vista Crescent starting the week of June 2nd to prepare for the temporary overland water system.  All staff will have photo identification and will knock on doors before entering any properties to confirm the hookup locations for your residence. 

Access to the Hunter Trail will be restricted during that phase of the project.  The road from Clarke Drive at the corner of the Hunter Trail to the end of Vista Crescent will have a gravel surface during the watermain installation.  No road closures or substantial service outages are anticipated at this time.

The District certainly recognizes that this project will be a disruption to residents, businesses and visitors to Hospital Hill. We do thank you in advance for your patience during this time, and for your cooperation in planning around the construction as we complete this important work. Your support is appreciated!


Matt Simmons
Capital Projects Manager
604.815.5000 or email

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