Emissions Inventory and "Do Nothing" Scenario

As part of the Community Climate Action Plan, the District has developed a community greenhouse gas emissions inventory and a "do nothing" future forecast scenario. The inventory and forecast focus on emissions that occur within the boundaries of the District of Squamish, or from electricity that is used within our boundaries. They do not include emissions from land use change or indirect emissions (e.g. emissions that occur elsewhere in the production of products that are consumed in Squamish). 

Emissions Inventory

This inventory is based on data from the year 2017, as this was the most recent complete dataset available. The total emissions are estimated at 95,400 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, or approximately 4.58 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per person. Transportation collectively accounts for 53% of emissions, buildings (which includes infrastructure that uses electricity or natural gas) account for 28%, and emissions from solid waste 20%. 

 Squamish Community emissions inventory 2017

"Do Nothing" Scenario

This future forecast shows projected greenhouse gas emissions if the District of Squamish does not take any actions to reduce community emissions. It does include some actions that have been agreed to by Provincial and Federal governments, which is why emissions from some sectors are projected to decline over time. It also includes projected population growth. 

Two community emissions targets are included as lines on the graph. The District's Official Community Plan currently includes a target of 80% reduction from 2007 levels by 2050, while the Climate Emergency Resolution includes a target of 45% reduction from 2010 levels by 2030 and net zero by 2050. 

BAU forecast
Looking Ahead

The inventory and "do nothing" scenario provide guidance to the District on where to focus efforts to reduce community emissions. The Community Climate Action Plan will include a series of actions to meet the Climate Emergency Resolution emissions targets. If you would like to learn more please see How to Get Involved

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