The District of Squamish has bylaws that regulate works and services within our municipal boundary. The bylaw for off-site works and services that is currently regulating developer-driven projects is the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw. (Please see link the top of the right side menu). This file may take a few seconds to load. This bylaw defines the requirements to which all developments must adhere to ensure new infrastructure complies with current system capacities.
Through the B.C. Climate Action Charter, the District of Squamish has committed to becoming carbon neutral in our operational corporate emissions. The operational maintenance of the assets outlined in the Service Agreement must demonstrate efficiency and align with our goal to achieve carbon neutrality, as per the OCP Part 3: Objectives and Policies, 19 Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation.
What services and infrastructure are captured in a Servicing Agreement?
A Servicing Agreement is drafted to capture any off-site servicing works or infrastructure that affects the project including, but not limited to:
STEP 1: Pre-Application Meeting
If off-site services are to be considered in a Land Development proposal, Servicing Agreement requirements will be initially reviewed during the Pre-Application Meeting.
STEP 2: Additional Service Modeling (if applicable)
A Developer may be required to acquire additional service modeling to confirm offsite services and capacities. This Developer is responsible for covering all associated costs.
STEP 3: Submit Application Review & Revisions
Developers are required to submit a Servicing Agreement Application (see link in the Resources section below). Note: the appropriate documentation must accompany the application form (see link in the Resources section below for a Servicing Agreement Checklist. Please contact the Engineering Department with any questions regarding the application process.
STEP 4: Application Review & Revisions
District staff will provide comments after preliminary review. Based on these comments, Developers are required to submit Design Brief, Detailed Design Drawings (DDDs), and cost estimate from a certified Civil Engineer. Refer to the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw for drawing requirements. Once the drawings and cost estimate are reviewed, they may be accepted or returned to the Civil Engineer for revisions. This part of any Land Development or Subdivision process depends on the efficiency of the Civil Engineer to supply adequate drawings and cost estimates, and to resubmit with updated revised drawings and cost estimate. Timely and costly delays occur when the turnover of the revisions are not immediately returned to District Staff for approval.
STEP 5: Servicing Agreement Issuance
Once the DDDs have been accepted as final submission, the Developer must provide a final cost estimate based on agreed work signed and sealed by the Civil Engineer. This cost estimate is needed to calculate the dollar value required for a security deposit and applicable fees. The Developer must also provide a final PDF of the drawings, payment for any outstanding service modeling costs, and approval from Vancouver Coastal Health for water main (if applicable).
Once the above noted items have been received, Staff will draft the Servicing Agreement and send a Servicing Agreement Package to the Developer requesting the following deliverables before final issuance:
A final Servicing Agreement is sent to the Developer in addition to deposit/fee receipts and a Pre-Construction Meeting request.
STEP 6: Pre-Construction Meeting
At this meeting, the Servicing Agreement will be reviewed with the Contractor and Civil Engineer, in detail, and will be required to provide:
If all requirements are met, then District Staff will issue the Developer a Permission to Construct (refer to Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw Schedule E-1).
STEP 7: Security Funds Returned
The Developer, or their Engineer, may request for a reduction of security funds at multiple times during a development project. The maximum reduction is 90% of security funds prior to the start of the warranty period (i.e. Substantial Completion). All Letter of Credit enquiries should be directed to the Developer’s financer.
NOTE: Only one claim for a release of funds may be requested on a particular project per quarter (the clock starts after the first claim).
STEP 8: Substantial Performance & Maintenance Period Starts
Once the majority of work is complete, the Developer, or their Engineer, may request Substantial Performance. The following items must be submitted before Substantial Performance is considered:
District Staff may conduct a site visit(s) to qualify Substantial Performance. If deficiencies are found, the Developer’s Engineer is required to resubmit estimated value of completed work following completion of outstanding work. Once Substantial Performance is approved, the Developer is issued a Certificate of Substantial Performance and the 12-month Maintenance period commences.
STEP 9: Final Inspection & Cash Deposit Returned
One month prior to the expiration of the 12-month warranty period, District Staff will conduct a Final Acceptance inspection with the Applicant’s Engineer and forward any deficiencies to the Developer. Once all of the deficiencies are completed within a reasonable time and there are no outstanding payments, all security deposits are refunded to the Developer and the off-site infrastructure is turned over to the District for maintenance.
Servicing Agreement - Application Form
Servicing Agreement - Checklist
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