The bylaw is officially cited as the "District of Squamish Zoning Bylaw No. 2200, 2011, Amendment Bylaw (Comprehensive Development Zone No. 69 - Squamish Oceanfront) No., 2386, 2015".
Council is considering a Rezoning bylaw to establish the regulations for the development to proceed on the lands of the Oceanfront Peninsula. The Bylaw is drafted to align the policies and guidelines of the Squamish Oceanfront Sub Area Plan (SAP), changing the zoning from Light Industrial (I-1) and Industrial General (I-3) to a Comprehensive Development (CD) zoning.
The rezoning of the SODC lands is a condition of the signed Purchase and Sale Agreement between the District, SODC, and Newport Beach Developments.
The proposed CD 69 zoning includes nine Blocks, organized to reflect the land use pattern and development aspirations established by the SAP. The CD zoning framework includes the following Block Precincts: the Oceanfront Village (CD 69 Block A), the Primary Employment neighbourhood (CD 69 Block B), the Waterfront Employment neighbourhood (CD 69 Block C), the Mamquam Waterfront Residential neighbourhood (CD 69 Block D), the Education & Institutions neighbourhood (CD 69 Block E), the Cattermole Waterfront Residential neighbourhood (CD 69 Block F), the Cattermole Interior Residential neighbourhood (CD 69 Block G), the Mixed Use Marine area (CD 69 Block H), the Cattermole Natural Marine area (CD 69 Block H1), and the Parks, Public Spaces and Community Facilities (CD 69 Block I).
Consistent with the SAP, two of the Blocks (C and E) have flex areas, in which residential uses can be accommodated providing they are consistent with the regulations outlined for Block F. In addition, Block B allows for up to 25% of the total gross floor area to be developed as residential. The intent is to allow the District and developer flexibility to respond to changing market demand over the 20+ build out period.
Council approved the first reading of the bylaw on April 28th, and the second reading of the bylaw on May 12th, 2014, and held a public hearing on June 16, 2015.
March 23, 2025 at 12:12 AM
Environment Canada issues Rainfall Warning for Howe Sound
Issued at 2025-03-22 23:36 UTC by Environment Canada:
Rainfall warning issued for: Howe Sound, B. C.
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