Bylaws to regulate short-term rentals (STRs) in Squamish are in effect. Under the rules, a principal resident can legally rent their principal residence for periods of less than 90 days. STRs are not permitted in secondary suites or coach houses (accessory dwelling units). Our STR regulations help protect long-term rental housing and allow residents to earn additional income.
All STR operators in Squamish must have a business licence and include their licence number in all online listings and advertising, or they may be subject to fines up to $3,000 per offence.
Step 1: Confirm you’re eligible for a licence (see Eligibility section below)
A STR business licence can only be issued to a person, for the property where they reside. A person may only have one principal residence and one STR business licence.
Step 2: Confirm you meet safety requirements (see Fire and Safety Requirements under Eligibility section below)
Step 3: Get permission from the owner and/or strata
If you are a tenant and/or live in a strata, you are required to have permission for STR of your home before you apply for a licence. If you are a tenant, the owner's permission is required (submit an owner consent form). If you live in a strata property, your strata bylaws must permit the use of STRs and you must have strata authorization to operate a STR in the building (submit a strata consent form).
Step 4: Review the STR bylaws, listing and advertising rules
Follow all applicable STR bylaws. Make sure that guests don't disturb the peace and quiet of neighbours; read the Good Neighbour Guidelines. Ensure that guests park their vehicles on your property or on the street where allowed. Read the street parking regulations.
Step 5: Review fees and apply for a licence
Apply: Complete and submit the following forms and documents:
Business Licence phone 604.815.5014 if you have questions related to applying for a business licence.
STR operators are required to renew their licence annually and ensure all documentation is accurate and up to date for each new year.
Note that additional water and sewer utilities are no longer charged for STRs (see Utilities section below).
Is your home eligible to have a STR?
Your home is eligible if:
Your home is not eligible if:
Property managers are required to get a property management business licence to market and manage the unit on behalf of the STR operator.
If your home is a single family or duplex unit, then 1 additional parking space is required for every 2 STR bedrooms, to a maximum of 3 additional spaces. Note these are additional spaces, beyond the spaces required for the residential use (which are normally 2 spaces per dwelling unit).
If your home is in a strata complex (townhouse or apartment unit), then no additional spaces are required.
An example of an acceptable parking plan could be an aerial photo or sketched site plan showing all on-site parking spaces delineated and dimensioned.
STR Listing
Clearly indicate your licence number for your STR accommodation in all your rental advertisements or listings (such as in the description section of your Airbnb listing). Post a visible paper copy of your licence in your STR accommodation unit.
Fire and Safety Requirements
Your STR accommodation must have appropriate safety measures in place to protect guests in the event of an emergency. The following requirements must be met:
Fire Safety Plan
You are required to post a fire safety plan at all entrances and exits. The fire safety plan should include the following information:
For guidance on how to do a fire safety plan, check out how to make a fire safety plan, or this example from the City of Kelowna.
The District of Squamish will issue up to 30 STR Temporary Use Permits (TUPs) for short-term rental of non-principal residences within Secondary Suites or Accessory Dwellings. These TUPs allow short-term rental on a temporary basis where not otherwise permitted within the District's zoning bylaw and are intended to support tourism while protecting rental housing stock in the community. TUPs will now be issued for a 3-year term, with 1 renewal opportunity for an additional 3 year term.
TUPs will only be considered for STR Accommodation Operators who live full time (a minimum of nine months in a calendar year) on the subject property, either in the Principal Residence or in the Secondary Suite or Accessory Dwelling Unit. The Operator can be the owner or the renter of the subject property (renter with landlord or owner permission).
New TUP applications will be accepted as of April 3, 2023 for the short-term rental of a limited number of Secondary Suites or Accessory Dwellings. In addition to the current number of licensed TUPs, an additional 18 additional TUPs are expected to be issued.
Starting April 3, 2023, STR TUP applications will be accepted on a first come basis, time-stamped and evaluated based on the District’s revised Short-Term Rental Interim Temporary Use Permit Policy (as amended February 14, 2023). For more information about TUP application and evaluation criteria, or STR licensing questions, email [email protected] or call 604-815-5002.
Step 1: Check to see if you’re eligible to apply for TUP
Is your home eligible to have an STR TUP?
Your home is eligible if:
Your home is not eligible if:
Step 2: Confirm that you would also meet the requirements to get a business licence (see above on how to apply for a STR business licence)
Step 3: Review fees and apply for a TUP
TUP Fee (Initial Application): $1,200
STR-Specific TUP Renewal Fee: $500 (as of April 4 2023)
To apply: Complete and submit the following forms:
Email your completed TUP application form and applicable supporting documents to [email protected] or drop-off in-person at Municipal Hall. Applications are date/time stamped in order of receipt. Applicants will receive confirmation of receipt and will be contacted with payment options. Fee payment can be made over the phone or in person.
If you have any questions related to applying for an STR TUP, please call the Planning Department at 604.815.5002
If your TUP application is approved, following issuance of the TUP, the next step is to apply for your non-principal residence STR business licence. See the section on How to apply for a STR business licence.
Once issued and the initial TUP term has lapsed, the TUP may be renewed once for an additional term. TUP renewals will be subject to the renewal application fee above, and re-evaluation in accordance with the Short-Term Rental TUP Policy (as amended February 14, 2023).
The District is pursuing active enforcement (District led) of the STR regulations to ensure STR operators comply with rules and regulations. Operators may face fines of $3,000 per day, per offence, and significantly higher amounts if compliance efforts require escalation.
Along with active enforcement, the District will follow up on complaints received from the public through phone or via the online form: Bylaw Complaint Page
If you're aware of a STR business operating without a licence, or would like to submit an STR related complaint, contact Bylaw Enforcement at 604.815.5067.
Operators with repeat offences may be subject to escalating prosecution.
Your STR unit may be inspected after you get your business licence. Upon request, please provide access to your unit for the District to inspect. The District may also audit your licence and request evidence that supports the information in your licence application.
Operators should understand that the District may:
District bylaws ensure our community is a safe and enjoyable place for residents and visitors. Please ensure your guests are aware of the following rules, as well as any other rules set by your strata, if applicable.
Noise: Because many STR properties are near other residential homes, please ensure your guests are considerate of the public and their neighbours at all times of day. View the Good Neighbour Guidelines to learn more.
Parking: Ensure your guests know where they can and cannot park. Guests must have access to the designated STR unit parking spaces. Inform guests of any applicable on-street parking regulations.
Dogs: Guests must always control their dogs and keep them on a leash when outside. Guests must also pick up after their dog.
Garbage, recycling and organics collection: Ensure guests understand what waste and recycling goes where. View the Waste Diversion page and proactively encourage proper recycling and sorting of waste and organics. Reduce potential for bear and wildlife conflicts by ensuring your totes are securely locked and stored inside a shed or garage if possible.
2023 STR Program updates endorsed by Council on February 14, 2023 included a fees and charge bylaw amendment to remove STR-specific utility charges for water and sewer. Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw 2958 was adopted on April 4, 2023. For 2023, STR licensees will not be charged for utilities when invoicing is initiated in May of this year. For more information, see the STR Program Review page.
Residents will still be required to pay residential utility rates on an annual basis for their dwelling unit, per the District's Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 2012, 2007 (see Schedules 23, 24).
2023 STR Program updates endorsed by Council on February 14, 2023 included a fees and charge bylaw amendment to remove STR-specific utility charges for water and sewer. Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw 2958 was adopted on April 4, 2023. For 2023, STR licensees will not be charged for utilities when invoicing is initiated in May of this year. For more information, see the STR Program Review page.
Residents will still be required to pay residential utility rates on an annual basis for their dwelling unit, per the District's Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 2012, 2007 (see Schedules 23, 24).
Read presentations, reports, and other Council documents about STRs since 2018:
Phase 1 (Fall 2018)
Phase 2 (Winter/Spring 2019)
Phase 3 (Summer/Fall 2019)
Phase 3 (Winter/Spring 2020)
Phase 4 (Summer/Fall 2020)
Year One STR Program Review (2021)
Year Two STR Program Review (2022)
Short Term Rentals Review project page.
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