Fire Danger Rating and High Risk Activity Regulations


Never allowed within District of Squamish boundaries:

To report a wildfire, unattended campfire, or open burning violation, call 911 if within the municipal boundaries or call 1-800-663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cell phone. 

Fire Danger Ratings

Fire Danger Ratings are updated daily by the BC Wildfire Service. Squamish is located within the Coastal Fire Centre. View the current rating and forecast.


High Risk Activity Regulations

During periods of heightened fire hazards, certain work activities within the wildland interface may contribute to the creation of fires. In order to reduce this risk, Squamish Fire Rescue has the ability to ban or restrict certain types of work along the periphery of the interface during periods of “High” or “Extreme” forest fire Danger Class ratings, as defined by BC Wildfire Management Branch.

District of Squamish Fire Service Bylaw No. 2314, 2014 provides the authority to the Fire Chief to invoke this regulation. For the purpose of this regulation the interface is considered an area where human-related infrastructure or activity is within, or adjacent to, areas prone to wildfire.

High Danger Class Ratings

After three consecutive days of a High rating, high-risk activity by any business, contractor, facility or their operations within the interface (within 10 metres of the interface) shall cease at 1 pm (13:00 hours) each day.

Examples of high risk activity may include, but are not limited to:

a.   Preparation or use of Explosives
b.   Excavating
c.   Drilling
d.   Grinding
e.   Hot works such as welding
f.    Mechanical Brushing or Land Clearing
g.   Trenching
h.   Using Fire or Spark Producing Tools, Including Cutting Tools
i.    Using or Preparing Fireworks or Pyrotechnics

The following activities may continue after 1 pm (13:00 hours) during a High danger class rating:

a.   Work inside a structure (excluding hot works such as welding)
b.   Work with non-powered hand tools
c.   Heavy-duty equipment or small engines may continue to work in areas around a site where they are not within 10 meters of the interface.

Note: A fire watch shall be maintained for a minimum of two hours after construction ceases.

High risk activities within the interface area may revert to a regular schedule after the fire danger class falls to Moderate or Low.

Extreme Danger Class Ratings

After three consecutive days of an Extreme rating, high-risk activity by any business, contractor, facility or their operations in the interface area (within 10 metres of the interface) shall not be permitted. The following activities may continue during periods of Extreme fire danger class:

a.   Work inside a structure (excluding hot works)
b.   Work with non-powered hand tools
c.   Heavy-duty equipment or small engines may continue to work in areas around a site where they are not within 10 metres of the interface.

Note: A fire watch shall be maintained for a minimum of two hours after construction ceases.

High risk construction activity may resume, based on the restrictions during High danger class, when the fire danger class rating falls to High. All construction restrictions shall be lifted when the danger rating is at Moderate or Low.


Exemptions to the above stated restrictions may be granted based on a site specific inspection and prescription for mitigating measures. (Click here to download the exemption application/inspection form). Mitigating measures may include any or all of the following:

a.   Reduction of fuel
b.   Changing moisture content of fuel
c.   Provision of firefighting equipment

Note: This regulation will address most activities occurring during typical conditions; however there is nothing in this regulation that prevents Squamish Fire Rescue from imposing stricter measures if faced with an unusual set of circumstances that are deemed to pose a threat to fire or life safety within the District. 

The fire danger rating is updated at approximately 2 pm daily by the BC Wildfire Service


1 = Very Low Danger

2 = Low Danger

3 = Moderate Danger

4 = High Danger

5 = Extreme Danger

For more information please see the BC Wildfire Danger Class ratings.

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