Trucked Liquid Waste

The Mamquam Waste Water Treatment plant has a Septage Receiving Station available for qualified carriers to dispose of liquid waste.  We accept liquid waste generated from septic tanks, holding tanks and portable toilets, in accordance with our Sewer Use Bylaw No. 2474 (link to bylaw).  Prohibited and Restricted wastes, as outlined in the Bylaw are not accepted, nor are fats, oils, or grease. The facility is available only for waste generated within the District of Squamish and Area D of the Squamish Lillooet Regional District. 

Qualifications for access include:

  1. District of Squamish Business License. (application form)
  2. Signed Trucked Liquid Waste Contract form
  3. Provide a copy of WorkSafe BC Clearance Letter
  4. Provide a copy of Commercial Liability Insurance Certificate of insurance confirming that the Company has minimum $5,000,000 commercial general liability insurance naming the District of Squamish as an additional insured AND 30 days notice to the additional insured for any cancellation and changes to the policy.

This facility is not available to Recreational Vehicles, personal vehicles, or Mobile Food Vendors.

A publicly accessible facility is located at 1851 Mamquam Rd, near the Canadian Tire Store.

Should you have any questions related to Trucked Liquid Waste, Bylaw No. 2474, or any other inquiries regarding liquid waste, please call us at 604.815.6858

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