Affordable Housing

Affordable housing supply is critical to maintain so as to ensure a diverse and equitable community while also providing affordability for all earning levels of the local workforce. This has been a primary focus of the District since 2014.

Learn about housing initiatives in Squamish

Housing by the Numbers

Affordable Rental Housing (non-market):

  • 63 units under construction:
    • SEAandSKY (Waterfront Landing) - 55 units 
    • Garibaldi Springs (Phase 1) - 8 units* 

Market Rental Housing (purpose-built):

  • 40 units built since 2017:
    • North Yards (Phase 1) - 40 units
  • 271 units under construction:
    • Garibaldi Springs (Phase 1) - 8 units
    • SEAandSKY (Waterfront Landing) - 140 units
    • North Yards (Phase 2) - 38 units
    • 1111 Pioneer Way - 18 units
    • Ashlu (Third and Victoria) - 67 units

*These new units are managed by the new Squamish Community Housing Society. For inquiries, please contact

Latest Updates

The District of Squamish has been successful in securing a $7M grant from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) Housing Accelerator Fund to facilitate housing delivery in Squamish. The funding will help to increase housing supply for missing-middle and low- to moderate-income households over the coming years. Read the release

Bylaw 3018 replaces Section 4.49 with new general regulation related to affordable housing. These new general regulations include:

  • Allow affordable housing in any zone where residential is a principal use, except in high-hazard areas. 
  • Allow the height of a principal building where all of the units are secured as affordable housing to increase to 23 metres (six stories).
  • Exempt affordable housing buildings from lot coverage.
  • Apply a parking requirement of one space per dwelling unit for affordable housing units.
  • An amendment to Section 4.25 Gross Floor Area is also proposed to exempt gross floor area use for affordable housing.
  • (Separately, an amendment to Section 4.10 Height of Buildings and Structures is included to apply a maximum building height of 26.5 metres or 8 storeys, which ever is less, in any zone that may permit a taller building height, as this is currently the tallest building height that the District’s Fire Department can safely fight a fire in).

The bylaw was passed after a public hearing for the District of Squamish Zoning Bylaw No. 2200, 2011, Amendment Bylaw (Affordable Housing & Public Service) No. 3018, 2023 on Tuesday, November 7 at 6 p.m. at the Regular Meeting of the Council.

Due to additional considerations surfaced by District Staff prior to the October 3, 2023 public hearing, the hearing scheduled for Bylaw Amendment 3000 was cancelled. These considerations relate to the level of flood hazard on properties located in a Debris Flow Hazard Area or a Controlled Densification Area. The issue is also relevant to the Public Service Use amendments proposed in Bylaw 2976, which was given third reading at the September 12, 2023 Regular Council Meeting.

Issues with both Bylaws (3000 and 2976) have now been addressed in Bylaw Amendment 3018, 2023.

  • Staff have identified that the amendments previously proposed as part of Bylaw 3000 could allow for higher residential density in Debris Flow Hazard Areas and Controlled Densification Areas than what is supported in the Hazard Lands Policies in Section 11 of the Official Community Plan.
  • To address this discrepancy, Staff are proposing to add conditions of use clarifying that affordable housing use, including affordable housing that falls under the definition of public service, and public service use is not permitted at densities higher than existing zoning if the property is located in a Debris Flow Hazard Area, Restricted Densification Area or Limited Densification Area.
  • An additional condition is included to clarify that affordable housing use and public service use on a property located in a Conditional Densification Area is permitted if the specific conditions identified in the Official Community Plan are met. These conditions have been brought into Zoning Bylaw Amendment No. 3018 for clarity.

Bylaw 3018 proposes to replace Section 4.49 with a new general regulation related to affordable housing. These general regulations would:

  • Allow affordable housing in any zone where residential is a principal use.
  • Allow the height of a principal building where all of the units are secured as affordable housing to increase to 23 metres (six stories).
  • Exempt affordable housing buildings from lot coverage.
  • Apply a parking requirement of one space per dwelling unit for affordable housing units.
  • An amendment to Section 4.25 Gross Floor Area is also proposed to exempt gross floor area use for affordable housing.
  • (Separately, an amendment to Section 4.10 Height of Buildings and Structures is included to apply a maximum building height of 26.5 metres or 8 storeys, which ever is less, in any zone that may permit a taller building height, as this is currently the tallest building height that the District’s Fire Department can safely fight a fire in).

The District is proposing amendments to the Zoning Bylaw intended to help remove barriers and facilitate affordable housing in any zone where residential is a principal use. The public is invited to attend a public hearing on Tuesday, October 3 at 6 p.m.


The $4 billion Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) Housing Accelerator Fund provides incentive funding to local governments across Canada encouraging initiatives aimed at increasing housing supply. District staff received agreement in principle from Council in July to apply for the grant based on a plan aimed to accelerate housing delivery – especially affordable housing developments and missing-middle housing.

The funding is part of a National Housing Strategy aimed at creating a new generation of housing in Canada. It is based on the need to provide a balanced supply of housing. The following is an excerpt from the NHS website:

Rising house prices have made homeownership more difficult. They have pushed many would-be homeowners out of the market completely and raised the need for more affordable housing options. Additionally, while Canada’s rental housing supply has housed many Canadians for decades, the rental housing stock is aging. Many buildings are in poor shape and in need of costly repairs. The overall supply is not keeping up with needs. (

Learn more about the grant application and the District’s Housing Action Plan that would be funded.

City Spaces Consulting was retained by the District in 2022 to complete a Housing Needs Report, and this was presented to Council in April. This report is a requirement of the Province of British Columbia under the Local Government Act.

The Province’s new housing plan will speed up delivery of new homes, increase the supply of middle-income housing, fight speculation and help those who need it the most. Read the news release.

The Housing Supply Act gives the Province the authority to set housing targets in municipalities, starting with those with the greatest needs and highest projected growth. It provides a framework for housing targets to be established for specified municipalities, and for the minister or Lieutenant Governor in Council to take certain actions if housing targets are not met. View the Housing Supply Act.


The Westwinds seniors housing development in Squamish is now open, providing 232 affordable rental homes for low-income seniors. 

Located at 38275 Third Avenue, the five-storey building features a mix of one-bedroom and one- bedroom-plus-den units. Eight of the units are wheelchair accessible. Residents will have access to a range of amenities, including a fitness area, multi-purpose common areas and storage space for personal items, bicycles and scooters.

Construction on the Spirit Creek Apartments is now complete. Sea to Sky Community Services Society (SSCS) is operating the building. For more details, including eligibility and how to apply, please visit SSCS website.


Squamish Community Housing Society

The District has established the Squamish Community Housing Society to increase the supply, availability and access to affordable housing options across the community and entire housing spectrum. The Society will serve as a single point of access for residents to access non-market and affordable housing rentals, and will work with the District of Squamish, non-profit housing agencies and the community to grow and sustain a diverse range and supply of affordable housing options.

The Society was formally established in December 2021 and became operational in October 2023. The Society is the single point of contact for affordable housing in the community outside of individual non-profit housing providers, and assumes management of affordable housing units and their waitlists that are being provided in new developments as part of Community Amenity Contributions related to rezonings. The Society is also tasked with the development of a new housing project in the community within the next few years.

The Squamish Community Housing Society operates independently in collaboration with the District, as a non-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors comprised of a member of District of Squamish Council as well as representatives from:

  • Howe Sound Women’s Centre Society;
  • Sea to Sky Community Services Society;
  • Squamish Helping Hands Society;
  • Squamish Senior Living Society;
  • Squamish Nation or Hiy̓ám̓ ta Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Housing Society;
  • A member of the public who occupies an affordable housing unit within the District of Squamish;
  • A member representing the private development sector, such as a real estate developer or residential builder;
  • Two members with expertise or experience in the housing or legal sector, such as a housing advocate, social worker or property manager.

Affordable Housing Inquiries

Squamish Community Housing Society

Community Planning
District of Squamish

Phone: 604.815.6872

Sea to Sky Community Services
38024 Fourth Avenue
Box 949
Squamish V8B 0A7

Phone: 604 892 5796

Squamish Senior Living Society
38275 Third Avenue
Squamish  V8B 0Z6

Phone: 604.892.3311 
Email: contact form available on website
