Phase 2 of the Cleveland Avenue streetscape upgrades now underway

This spring, the District will undertake phase two of a planned two-phase upgrade to Cleveland Avenue between Victoria Street and Main Street.

Phase two upgrades include:

  • 11 new LED lighting fixtures.
  • Installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk.
  • Curb extension at Cleveland Avenue and Main Street intersection.
  • Replacement of existing road structure.
  • Watermain, storm sewer and catch basin and associated tie-ins.
  • Traffic Impact
  • To allow work to progress as quickly as possible, Cleveland Avenue will be closed from the north edge of the August Jack Motel to Main Street. Vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists includes should plan alternate routes around this area. For alternate parking areas, please visit our Downtown Squamish parking page. 


Tuesday, April 18 through June.

(Click image to view the detailed drawing.)

cleveland ave phase 2 drawing2


Strategic Plan Alignment:

This project supports Council's strategic priorities to:

  • Maximize Built Environment: the built (man-made) environment/surroundings contribute to the health and well-being of our citizens.
  • Economic Development: revitalization of downtown.


For more information, please contact:

April 18, 2017

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