Several key pieces of District of Squamish transportation infrastructure will be constructed as part of this project, including the Clarke Drive Rail Overpass, Clarke Drive and Highway 99 Intersection Improvements, and Pedestrian Lift Bridge. These three projects will be funded and constructed by the Waterfront Land developer and are described below.
The first project scheduled for construction is a new vehicle bridge crossing over the CN rail line west of the Clarke Drive and Highway 99 intersection (the Clarke Drive rail overpass). The rail overpass will connect a new western connection to the existing Clarke Drive and Highway 99 intersection (described below) and will lead to a new arterial Laurelwood Road, which will extend from the rail overpass north to provide access to the development. Once this infrastructure is complete and operational, the existing access to the development across the railway at Mill Road at the Shell gas station will be closed to the public and used for emergency vehicle access only.
Project timeline: Spring 2019 – Early 2020
The existing Clarke Drive and Highway 99 intersection will be modified to include a western connection to the Clarke Drive rail overpass. In order to create this western connection, upgrades to the highway lanes, signalization, and other associated infrastructure will need to be undertaken. In addition, to facilitate east-west movement through the intersection on Clarke Drive, improvements to the east side of the highway intersection will be undertaken. These improvements include improved bike and pedestrian infrastructure, re-alignment of Clarke Drive both north and south of the intersection, and relocation of the existing informal parking area.
Project timeline: Late 2019 – Early 2020
Phase 2 of the development will see the construction of a new pedestrian lift bridge that is proposed to be built across the Mamquam Blind Channel, connecting the commercial centre of the Waterfront Landing development to Victoria Street in Downtown Squamish. The proposed pedestrian bridge will provide an important active transportation link for residents of Waterfront Landing, Downtown Squamish, Valleycliffe and Hospital Hill, creating more opportunities to walk and cycle to Downtown Squamish and further reduce the reliance on vehicle use. This bridge will allow smaller motorized craft, including most powerboats, to pass beneath the bridge even at high tide. To allow sailboats and larger powerboats to pass, the lift bridge will be activated. This pedestrian bridge will be funded and constructed by the developer, with the operational and maintenance costs funded by the District through general taxation. View the proposed operational features, safety provisions and approval process.
Project timeline: 2021 (estimated)
The above infrastructure will ultimately connect to a future second entrance to Downtown Squamish which will be informed in part by an upcoming Downtown Entrance Study. View details here.
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Rainfall warning issued for: Howe Sound, B. C.
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