Locations in Squamish
Squamish offers an array of unique locations for filming: from quaint downtown streets and businesses, modern residential neighbourhoods and commercial buildings, and romantic rural roads, to world famous Sea to Sky landscapes, and pristine lakes, rivers, and forests.
To assist you with your scouting, we have provided a summary of details on some of our more popular filming locations.
Maps - Online
To make completing your Filming Application even easier (a map is required with each application), please use our comprehensive online mapping tool (we recommend using Internet Explorer).
Downtown Squamish
Downtown Squamish is a popular location for filming especially for productions seeking a small town look with breathtaking backdrops.
- Cleveland Ave and Second Ave both offer a variety of small businesses, open lots, vistas, and parks.
- Other locations that offer small town and commercial business looks include Brackendale, Garibaldi Estates, Valleycliffe, and the Squamish Business Park.
- All enquiries are carefully reviewed to determine the level of impact on the businesses, roads, and downtown residents. Prior to submitting your Filming Application to the District of Squamish, you are required to contact the Downtown Squamish Business Improvement Association (DSBIA) to discuss filming intentions and mitigation measures for managing any negative impact on businesses and their customers.
- Noise Regulation Bylaw hours of operation for filming are from 8:00 am -10:00 pm.
- Concrete garden boxes that are located along Cleveland Ave are permanent fixtures and cannot be removed.
- Banners and flowering baskets (May-Sep) may be removed for filming at the discretion of the District Department of Operations and at the expense of the production.
Squamish Spit & Estuary
The area referred to as the "Squamish Spit" is located west of Downtown Squamish.
- The land is owned and managed by the Crown and permission to access and film at this location is required through FrontCounterBC.
- The Squamish Windsports Society holds a licence agreement for the use of the Squamish Spit from May 15 to September 15, annually; you may be required to notify the Society of your filming intentions if approved by the Crown.
- The Squamish Estuary is located within the Wildlife Management Area and approval is also required from FrontCounterBC. Filming is not encouraged in this environmentally sensitive area.
Paradise Valley Road
Paradise Valley Road is a popular location especially for driving scenes as it offers a long, paved stretch of road with an evergreen canopy. There are other roads that also provide a similar look and feel that may be closed off to traffic for your production without impacting residents and businesses.
- Squamish Nation: Several sections of Paradise Valley Road border Squamish Nation lands. For all filming on Paradise Valley Road, you must also contact Juniper Groves, Squamish Nation Filming Office, juniper_groves@squamish.net, no less than 5 business days prior to filming.
- When filming on Paradise Valley Road, productions are required to:
- Notify District of Squamish and Squamish Nation filming offices of filming intentions no less than 5 business days prior to filming;
- Clearly demonstrate to both agencies that lettering to all residents and businesses who may be impacted by filming has been completed no less than 48 hours prior to filming; and
- Clearly demonstrate to both agencies that a filming notification sign has been installed on Paradise Valley Road in an appropriate manner (e.g. sandwich board) no less than 48 hours prior to filming.
If these conditions are not met, then the District of Squamish will either not issue or rescind the Film Licence Agreement and filming will not be permitted within the District.
- Alternate Location: Old Squamish Valley Road is permanently closed to traffic and can be accessed from the existing Squamish Valley Road. This is a great alternate tree-lined location for filming as it provides productions will full control of the road. Ask the Film & Events Department for more information and photos.
Smoke Bluffs Park
Smoke Bluffs Park is a District-owned and operated park.
- The park is actively used by day-users including hikers, mountain bikers, trials riders, and rock climbers. The park also contains a children's play area.
- Filming mid-week during the shoulder seasons and in winter is encouraged to reduce impact on day users.
- The park is located within walking distance to Downtown Squamish.
- If you are interested in filming in the Smoke Bluffs, please contact the Film & Event Department for details. All filming in the Smoke Bluffs Park must be approved by the District of Squamish Smoke Bluffs Park Committee.
Mount Garibaldi Cemetery
- Filming is not permitted in the Mount Garibaldi Cemetery located on Government Road, Squamish.
For more Squamish locations, please visit Creative BC's Location Library, or contact the Film & Events Department for suggestions.
Once Your Crew Arrives
- Crew & Circus Parking. Depending on where you hope to film, there are many options available for crew parking and circus parking. Contact the Film & Event Department for suggestions. Load-in and load-out must take place between the permitted Noise Regulation Bylaw hours from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm, 7 days a week.
- Location Signage. Please remember that you must not obstruct, cover, alter, deface, damage, interfere with or remove a traffic control device or any part of it. This includes affixing production signage to District signage. Please use traffic cones, sandwich boards, stakes or other means of placing your production signage in locations that does not obstruct traffic or the view of District or highway signage. View the Traffic Regulation Bylaw.
- Noise Exemptions. Hours of filming and staging within the District are 8:00 am to 10:00 pm, 7 days a week. If you are planning any filming or staging activity outside of these hours, you may be required to apply for a Noise Exemption Permit (approval is not guaranteed). Permit fees apply.
- Roads & Trails. During all times you must not block or obstruct any pathways, bike trails or roadways without permission from the District of Squamish. If you are planning to use District roads and/or trails, you may be required to apply for a Traffic Work Permit. Visit squamish.ca/film for an application form. No fees apply.
- Protecting Our Wildlife. Squamish is a Bear Smart certified community. We appreciate your efforts in keeping wildlife and our community safe. Please remember the following:
- All refuse containers must be bear resistant. You have the option of leasing a bear resistant dumpster or a bear resistant tote or storing refuse within a wildlife resistant enclosure. All refuse containers must be locked at all times.
- Refuse containers that are not bear resistant are NOT allowed within the District of Squamish and are in contravention of the Wildlife Attractant Bylaw.
- Any compost or cooking grease must be contained within bear resistant containers.