The purpose of the Marine Action Strategy (MASt) is to mobilize shared leadership to protect and maximize the waterfront and marine resource as an important community asset recognized and supported for ecological values and services as well as providing social, cultural and economic benefits. The strategy identifies and prioritizes over 70 key actions across 4 focus areas for resourcing in the immediate term (1-2 years), medium term (3-4 years) and long term (beyond 5 years).
MASt actions range from collaborative partnership building initiatives, special projects, as well as regulatory review, plan / policy-related actions, and educational activities. The following priority projects have been activated and resourced through the District's operational work plans and special project budgets in the last several years:
Squamish Marine Zoning Update (Completed and Adopted October 2022)
Ocean Watch Action Committee (Ongoing participation) as part of the Átl'ka7tsem / Howe Sound Biosphere Region Initiative
Development of the Howe Sound/Átl’ka7tsem Marine Stewardship Initiative + Marine Reference Guide
Squamish Marine Access Review (2022)
Long-term Mamquam Blind Channel Maintenance and Dredging Strategy (2021-22)
July 2019 MASt Implementation Update
Squamish Marine Strategy implementation progress and priority actions recommended for the Budget 2020 were presented on July 23, 2019. View the Staff Report.
The District of Squamish has developed a Marine Action Strategy to take action and guide decision making on local waterfront/marine issues and opportunities. The strategy was endorsed by Council on July 17, 2018. View the Final Strategy here.
MASt Process Goals
In early 2011, the District began actively exploring and conducting research to support development of a Marine Strategy aimed at establishing a leadership role to proactively address local marine issues (unauthorized mooring, derelict vessels and ship source pollution) and maximize broader opportunities for waterfront revitalization and stewardship (increased tourism, recreation access, waterfront activation and sensitive redevelopment).
Phase 1 - Marine Fact Finding
This phase involved researching and understanding marine jurisdiction and regulations, strategies, approaches and precedents in other coastal BC communities, and conducting interviews and engaging with local, provincial and federal agencies as a starting point to inform and guide how best to approach a Marine Strategy for Squamish.
Phase 2 - Engagement & Marine Strategy Development
Starting in fall 2017, the District and marine consultant Sandra Bicego of PacificaBlue engaged with the community to develop the Marine Action Strategy that sought to affirm a shared vision and establish key marine focus areas, specific objectives and prioritized actions, along with an implementable action plan. The process has identified resourcing required to promote coordination of efforts and collaboration of all interests and jurisdictions on the water and upland areas.
MASt has been developed through an in-depth community engagement process (see summary chart below) to provide information and seek input on the strategy through:
Phase 2 Strategy Development Process
Sarah McJannet, Planner 604 815-5096
March 4, 2025 at 12:23 AM
Overnight Lane Closures on Cleveland Avenue March 3 to 7
This week, Public Works will remove the landscaping on the traffic island located along Cleveland Avenue at Highway 99.
February 14, 2025 at 7:57 PM
Watermain Upgrade Program 2025
The District of Squamish will be upgrading and repairing select watermains as part of the annual watermain upgrade program.
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