Investing in Tomorrow: Community input invited into 2024-2028 District of Squamish Financial Plan

The District of Squamish Five-Year Financial Plan for 2024 to 2028 is ready for public review. The Plan outlines the District’s operating costs, capital plan, funding sources, tax rate and utility rate impacts over this period. The community is invited to review the budget through the new Open Book visualization tool, and mark calendars for a series of in-person opportunities to discuss with members of Council. Details are available at 

Graphic with title investing in tomorrow and website address

“The immense pressures of our rapidly growing community – from new facilities to upgraded infrastructure – continue to drive our financial planning, and this budget addresses these important items as well as the strategic goals this Council has established for our term,” says District of Squamish Mayor Armand Hurford. “Learning about the budget provides the opportunity for community members to review how we are investing in the future and provide input on that direction. We urge everyone to get involved. This is the time to help shape our tomorrow.” 

The District is not immune to the cost increases from inflation and supply chain challenges experienced across the country, and this is one of the primary pressures of this Financial Plan. Other pressures include the cost of expanded transit, the costs of funding and servicing debt on multiple facilities replacements and upgrades, labour contract annualization, staff resources to meet increasing Capital Plan requirements and service demands and addressing deficiencies in previous asset management investment.  

“District staff have taken a thoughtful and measured approach to addressing these pressures and have made tremendous efforts to offset inflationary pressures, delay or re-consider projects and expenses, maximize funding from other sources, delay debt issuance through cash flow management and temporary borrowing, and utilize tax stabilization opportunities,” says General Manager of Financial Services, Heather Boxrud. “The result is a Financial Plan that prioritizes fiscal responsibility, stability and long-term sustainability, while meeting the immediate needs of today’s taxpayers.” 

The revenue required from property taxation in 2024 is projected to increase 8.9% or an average of $213 per residential unit. This is the impact on current taxpayers after the anticipated non-market growth from new development has been factored in. Similar increases can be expected annually for the remainder of the five-year plan.  

“We are at a point in time where the town has significant financial requirements,” continues Hurford. “We’re predicting that property tax increases in the range of 8 to 9% may be sustained for the next few years - it’s more costly than before to offer the same services; we are investing heavily in facility and infrastructure upgrades; and we are building reserves to ensure future Councils are well prepared for the financial needs of the future and can be better positioned to address the challenges of asset (and facility) replacement.”  

The proposed 2024 budget is $167.8 million, and is comprised of the General Operating Fund, the Capital Plan, three Utilities (Water, Wastewater and Solid Waste), and Reserve contributions.  

Property taxation is anticipated to fund approximately 25% of this amount, with the remainder being funded by such sources as sale of services, grants and developer contributions through Developer Cost Charges and Community Amenity Contributions. 

Budget Highlights 

View the Budget Online 

Residents are invited to explore the budget via a new online platform available as part of the District’s budgeting software called Open Book. The portal lists projects grouped by Budget Area or by Category (such as Master Plan, Facilities, Infrastructure, Equipment, Growth and Strategic Plan): 

Save the Dates 

A budget presentation, facilitated Q&A discussion and open house event will be held November 14 at Howe Sound Secondary School from 6-9 p.m. Mayor Hurford will begin the presentation at 6:30 p.m. and Council will answer questions and hear comments from attendees. The second part of the evening (approximately 7:30 p.m. onwards) will offer light refreshments and project information boards in an open house style where members of the public can interact and discuss projects one-on-one with Council and staff.  

Members of Council will be available to chat with the community on November 1 during these Coffee with Council events: 

The next Mayor’s Drop-In on November 15, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Municipal Hall, is another opportunity for small group budget conversation.  

Residents can find budget information, ask questions or post comments, and view all the opportunities to discuss with Council at Comments can also be sent to  

October 26, 2023

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