Local business success stories highlight the many benefits of locating in Squamish

A picture is worth a thousand words, and in the case of a new video series launched today by the District of Squamish, motion picture captures a story worth millions. This video series tells the success stories of local businesses representing a cross-section of industries, and all successful and thriving in part because of their Squamish-based location. The video series launched to the community at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon on February 20.

“These videos celebrate our diverse business community, and highlight the factors of success that make Squamish such an incredible place to do business,” says District of Squamish Mayor Rob Kirkham. “The entrepreneurial spirit that is hard at work in this community is an inspiration, and I believe these videos will instill deep pride amongst residents and serve to highlight the diversity of industry that exists in Squamish today.”

The series features four short videos each focusing on the themes of Workforce, Growth, Lifestyle, and Location, and one highlight reel, titled ‘Squamish – A Place for Business’ that provides an overview of all four themes. The District worked with staff from the Chamber of Commerce, Tourism Squamish and the Downtown Business Improvement Association, along with video producers Ear to the Ground Planning Inc. to develop the series.

“The videos were created to stimulate external business interest and excitement and the District’s Economic Development Office and our partners will work over the coming weeks to share these videos far and wide through a variety of channels,” continues the Mayor. “They tell our story to potential investors in a way that is authentic and captivating. They depict a community filled with intelligent, energetic, forward thinking leaders who balance hard work with a lifestyle that’s second-to-none.”

The videos are available to view and share via the Economic Development Video Library

“I’d like to extend a special thank you to all the business leaders who willingly participated in the project. We are proud and appreciative that they have chosen Squamish as their business base,” says the Mayor.

February 20, 2013

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