‘Please stay home for now’ says District of Squamish to visitors

On what seemed like a busy long weekend, parking lots at popular outdoor recreation areas in Squamish were full with visitors on Saturday, and the District of Squamish is imploring people from outside of Squamish and the Squamish Lillooet Regional District to stay home to keep themselves and others safe. Many British Columbians are not following the B.C. Ministry of Health direction to stay home and adopt social distancing.

“The health of our residents in all our communities is at stake – not just Squamish, but the North Shore and the Lower Mainland too,” says District of Squamish Mayor Karen Elliott. “People are not listening to the experts - they are not keeping two metres apart from one another. This is not a joke, and it’s not an extended holiday. You must stay home as much as possible and be responsible, today. Our health care system depends on it.”

Photos tweeted by the Sea to Sky RCMP on Saturday afternoon showed parking lots and road shoulders full of cars. Residents messaged on social media about carloads of people heading up to mountain bike trailheads.

While BC Parks have indicated that facilities at provincial parks are closed the District of Squamish is requesting more restricted access to encourage adherence to the provincial social distancing directive.

“We’re all passionate about exploring BC, but now is not the time to travel,” continues Elliott. “Do your part now, so we can all get back to our favourite pastimes again later.”

British Columbia’s Ministry of Health updates from March 20 and 21 refer to:

Squamish residents are also urged to follow the same direction. “Essential trips to get groceries and supplies, and to get to work should be the only trips we’re taking to limit the spread in these crucial weeks. When outside, stay two metres away from one another and wash your hands, a lot,” continues Elliott.

For recommendations on protecting yourself and your community from COVID-19 and to use an online self-assessment tool, visit: http://www.bccdc.ca/

March 22, 2020

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  • Rita Schlapbach Mar 24, 2020, 12:03 AM (4 years ago)

    Dear visitors,

    I live in Switzerland and Squamish has become my second home. I read the reports in the Chief every day and I am shocked how many of you have not yet recognized the seriousness of the situation. The coronavirus is spreading rapidly in Switzerland, hundreds of new ones are infected every day and the hospitals have hardly any beds for the infected. I want to come back to Squamish in summer and enjoy the beautiful area with you.

    Please, please, stay at home is the only way to stop the epidemic.

    Stay healthy and see you soon :-)


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