The District of Squamish has received application to rezone the subject property from Rural Residential 2 (RL-2) to a Comprehensive Development zone (CD zone). The CD zone would allow low-density residential uses (single-unit and two-unit dwellings), child care facility, and bed and breakfast.
The applicant plans to operate a child care facility out of the existing dwelling on the lot. The proposed Fresh Ayre child care education centre will utilize the Reggio Emilia philosophy of preschool and primary education based on the principles of respect, responsibility, and community. The philosophy of this particular program encourages generous year-round outdoor play. The program would enable children to progress through a self-guided curriculum of exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriched environment.
The child care facility would be a licensed day-care accommodating 37 children from 10 months to 5 years of ages. A modest enrollment increase is expected in future years. The facility would include large outdoor play areas.
As part of this application, the proponent is offering to give the District the dike portion of the property for dike maintenance access and for a public recreational trail feature.
The application is in keeping with several Official Community Plan (OCP) ‘Guiding Principles’, including quality of life, growth management and economic development. The application aligns with OCP policies related to complete communities that provide neighbourhood services in proximity to housing. There is a need for childcare facilities to serve Squamish’s young and growing population.
The proposed CD zone includes a minimum lot size of 690 m2 which would enable future subdivision of the parcel into residential parcels. The applicant has offered to restrict subdivision to the creation of 6 new parcels that allow single-unit dwellings as a permitted use.
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