Round two of Curbside Tune-ups begins September 10


The District of Squamish, in partnership with Squamish CAN and Green For Life is conducting phase two of curbside checks to help improve individual organics and recycling. Auditors will return to all Squamish neighbourhoods to visit many of the same homes they visited during the previous Curbside Tune-Up.

What you should know:

  • Auditors will conduct a brief visual inspection of curbside recycling and organics totes in all Squamish neighbourhoods during the weeks of September 10 and 24.
  • No items will be handled or removed.
  • All auditors will be wearing identification.
  • Residents will receive a Recycling Champion sticker or a door hanger with tips on what goes where. Residents will also receive a door hanger on their organics bin with tips on what goes in and what stays out.

What you can do:

  • Do not bundle, bag or stack your recyclables.
  • Clean and rinse your containers prior to recycling.
  • Get tips on proper recycling and what goes where at

September 5, 2018

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