Message of support to the RCMP and Moncton, N.B.

The District of Squamish would like to convey its sincerest condolences and a message of support to the RCMP and the people of Moncton, N.B. in the wake of the heartbreaking shootings in their community, and the events that continue to unfold. Our wish is for a speedy and safe conclusion for all concerned.

We hold in highest regard the dedicated service all our RCMP officers provide to our community and across Canada and their commitment to our citizens’ safety and well being. We are especially conscious at this time of the support and sacrifice the families of the officers and the extended RCMP community are willing to make and how vital this is to all of us.

We wish all the families, colleagues and friends of those gravely affected our sincerest heartfelt condolences.


June 5, 2014

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