Development Variance Permit No. 75


A Development Variance Permit has been applied for the property identified as 39180 Loggers Lane. The applicant is requesting variances to:

The District of Squamish Zoning Bylaw Comprehensive Development Zone No. 38 as follows:

  • Height datum points – varied to reflect overall site grading;
  • Accessory Buildings – consistent with Section 4.4(f) of the Zoning Bylaw;
  • Floor Area of second storey shall not exceed 100% of the first storey floor;
  • Specific front-yard setback for stairs;
  • Reduced rear-yard setbacks for stairs and decks;
  • Reduced interior side yard setback;
  • Minor increase to width of garage;
  • Minor increase to width of driveway;
  • Addition of double carport/garage to accommodate two vehicles parked side by side shall be permitted on Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Variances to the Subdivision and Development Control are requested as follows:

  • Define road standard as “Urban Residential Area”;
  • Reduced Road right-of –ways, for Local Street to be consistent with Phase 1 of the Maples on Kingfisher Drive.

As illustrated in Schedule A below.

View the full resolution of Schedule A

View the full Resolution of Schedule B Phasing Plan

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