Development Variance Permit No. 86


Solterra Development Corp has applied for a Delegated Development Permit No. 366 and Development Variance Permit No. 86 to make a change to one of four buildings approved by Development Permit No. 342. The applicant is requesting a variance to Zoning Bylaw No. 2200, 2011 to vary the height of the principal building #2 from 10.68 m (35  ft) to 12.5m (41  ft) to accommodate a proposed  Climbing Gym. No other changes are being made to the original, approved Development Permit.

A public meeting is schedule August 19 during the Regular Business Meeting. Please click here to review the materials.

DVP 86 map

Sea to Sky Building 2 Elevations page 1 reduced

Sea to Sky Building 2 Elevations Page 3 reduced


Sea to Sky Building 2 ElevationsPage 2Reduce

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