Neighbourhood Nooks

The District of Squamish will build 11 weather protected spaces across our community. They will provide protection from sun, rain, and snow and serve as gathering spaces in neighbourhoods across our community. 

There is a lack of weather protected spaces for people to gather outdoors in Squamish. With recent extreme weather, and the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a growing demand from the community for protected spaces to gather outdoors.

  • The locations are spread across Squamish to ensure they are accessible by a broad range of neighbourhoods and users.
  • Efforts were made to choose parks where the community has already asked for sheltered spaces or seating upgrades.
  • Parks and locations were chosen to consider high visibility areas to discourage any unwanted activity. Spaces can be easily moved if any issues develop.
  • The budget for this project is approximately $150,000 (approximately $12,500 per structure) and includes all costs including the design and construction of all 11 structures, seating, unique features for each location and engagement costs.

Update March 22, 2023: 10 of the 11 Neighbourhood Nook structures have now been placed in neighbourhoods across Squamish. After further review with School District 48, the District has proposed to relocate the structure that was originally proposed or Garibaldi Highlands Elementary to a neighbourhood park in the Garibaldi Highlands instead of the school location. 

After reviewing possible park locations in the Highlands, Jura Park was noted as the most desired location for a Neighbourhood Nook structure due to: 

  • Proximity to the school pathway network
  • Existing lack of seating
  • Several flat locations
  • Good sightlines through the park. 

Please join District staff on April 13th from 5- 6pm at Jura Park to provide input that will help staff determine the best location in the park to place this structure.

Neighbourhood Nook Locations

Garibaldi Elementary
Pat Goode Park
Eagle Run Park
Eaglewind Park
Smoke Bluff Park
No Name Road Dike Path
Garibaldi Pocket Park
Valleycliffe Dike Path
Brennan Park
Junction Park (two neighbourhood nooks will be at this location)

View the locations on our webmap