Brand enhancement project launched to refine marketing materials for District of Squamish

The District of Squamish is developing a brand enhancement and marketing action plan to refine the story that tells the world who we are, what we have to offer, and ensure that the community’s collective efforts tell a consistent story, reinforcing Squamish’s brand every step of the way.

“The District’s outdoor recreation ‘brand’ is very much tied into the fabric of our community,” says District of Squamish Mayor Rob Kirkham. “This exercise is not about re-creating our brand; it’s about refining it and developing ways to market our brand more effectively.”

The brand enhancement process is targeted to take 12 to 14 weeks. At the end of the process, the District will have a toolbox of marketing materials to market Squamish to the world. Graphic tools to communicate the Squamish story will include such items as gateway signage, way finding systems, online tools, brochures, guides, marketing materials, posters, billboards, and pole banners.

“Through this brand enhancement process, we will gain tools to more effectively communicate our message, helping Squamish rise above the clutter of outdoor recreation-based communities, of which there are dozens,” says Corien Speaker, District of Squamish Chief Administrative Officer. “We have a great tagline in ‘Outdoor Recreation Capital of Canada’, and we’re excited to bring in experts to help us take this to the next level.”

Recent discussions regarding next steps with economic development strategy and downtown transformation, as well as discussions earlier this year with partners Tourism Squamish, Downtown Squamish Business Improvement Association, and the Squamish Chamber of Commerce, have all pointed to the need to take our brand story to the next level. Funding for the project is being allocated from within the existing Economic Development budget.

A Request for Proposals (RFP) has been issued to seek external branding experts to help Squamish achieve this goal. The RFP closes Friday, July 12 at 3pm.

June 26, 2013

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