District of Squamish 2023-2026 Strategic Plan finalized

Community invited to learn and ask questions about the new plan at upcoming events 

June 2, 2023

Council has finalized the 2023-2026 District of Squamish Strategic Plan to guide decision-making over the course of their term. The Plan identifies Council’s highest priorities and outcomes they aim to achieve in the next four years, and provides staff direction to work towards achieving these outcomes. Community members are invited to review the plan and discuss it with members of Council beginning this Saturday, June 3 at the Squamish Farmers’ Market. The 2023-2026 Strategic Plan is available online for viewing at squamish.ca/strategic-plan. 

“Council is pleased to share our most critical priorities and further demonstrate our commitment to work in collaboration with staff, community and government partners to create a vibrant, inclusive, resilient, connected and thriving Squamish,” says District of Squamish Mayor Armand Hurford. “This plan addresses the unique circumstances this community is currently facing as we aim to address affordability, connectivity, ongoing economic development, resilience in response to climate change and so much more.  The plan will help us move the dial on key aspects of our Official Community Plan over the course of our term, as we work towards our long-term community vision.” 

Six overarching principles set the foundation for the plan and the way in which Council will approach the work over the course of their term: Transparency, Accessibility, Climate Change Action, Advocacy, Environmental Stewardship and Financial Stewardship.  

The Plan’s strategic objectives are outlined within four strategic outcomes:  

“This document represents hundreds of hours of collective work by Council and staff who have worked to distill the community’s biggest opportunities and challenges, align these with projects and initiatives already underway, and identify what other actions may be required,” continues Hurford. “The plan builds on the goals of the previous strategic plan that identified key community priorities, and helps us all (Council and community) to stay focussed on the bigger picture for Squamish. We have prioritized relationships within this plan and that encompasses all relationships, whether with community groups, citizens or other levels of government. At the end of the day this plan has been created for our community’s future success and we look forward to sharing this plan with everyone.” 

Council will introduce the Strategic Plan to the community at multiple events during the month of June: 

To view the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan visit squamish.ca/strategic-plan. 

June 2, 2023

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  • Skyridge Resident Jun 4, 2023, 4:38 AM (13 months ago)

    Please install a sidewalk on Tantalus Road between Starview and Cheakamus. Tired of getting splashed with water from puddles and slush and scared for all the kids and parents with strollers that need to walk on the road to get to the mall. A sidewalk would provide safe passage vs driving a car. We may be waiting another 15 years for the vacant lots on each side pf the road to get developed. Do it at the same time as finishing the front of the new firehall.

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