District seeking capital project proposals to celebrate 100 years of Squamish history

2014 will be a year to remember, and community groups are working together to plan the commemoration and celebration of 100 years of Squamish history during this milestone year. Squamish is celebrating one hundred years since the name “Squamish’ was adopted, the original townsite of Squamish (today’s downtown area) was completed, and when provincial legislation passed to pave the way for the town’s incorporation.

The District of Squamish will also celebrate the 50th anniversary of its incorporation in 2014, marking the amalgamation of Squamish with Brackendale and Mamquam in 1964.

To mark the occasion of 100 years of history, the District is seeking proposals from the community for a 2014 legacy capital project. With the chosen proposal, the Task Force will apply for a Legacy Fund grant, available through the ‘Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage’ program. The grant is available for up to a maximum of $500,000 of matched funds for a project that involves the “restoration, renovation or transformation of existing buildings or exterior spaces.”

A Request For Proposals (RFP) has been issued to solicit the best overall proposal for a project that would be the centerpiece of the celebration of 100 years of Squamish, taking place throughout 2014. Proposals are invited from any and all community organizations or individuals, and will be assessed upon such criteria as:

The RFP deadline is Wednesday, August 21 at 2:00 p.m., and can be viewed online at http://squamish.ca/yourgovernment/rfp-and-tender-opportunities/  Questions can be forwarded to the Task Force Chair, Councillor Ted Prior at 604-389-9278.

“2014 commemorates two pivotal years in our history,” says District of Squamish Mayor Rob Kirkham. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to look back upon how far we’ve come in the last century and acknowledge all that has been accomplished by the visionaries and pioneers who paved the way. Squamish is an incredible community blessed with so many natural attributes. There is much for us to celebrate.”


One hundred years ago, the town’s name officially changed from “Newport” to “Squamish” and the townsite of Squamish (today’s downtown area) was completed. The new name of "Squamish" was made official at an Ottawa meeting of the Geographic Board of Canada held March 3, 1914. That same week, an Act to incorporate Squamish received Royal Assent on March 4, 1914. The town however, did not follow through with electing a governing council, as allowed under the Municipal Act of the day. Due, in part to the onset of World War I, Squamish would wait another 34 years until 1948 for actual incorporation as the Village of Squamish.

The year 1914 also marked significant milestones in the railway construction, with track being laid north from Cheakamus, and the completion of a new deep sea dock to accommodate rail barges and large vessels. By fall of that year, Squamish was connected north by rail as far as Pemberton.

1914 also signified completion of a major land transaction with the Squamish Nation. In January 1914, a deal was ratified for the Pacific Great Eastern Railway to purchase 1,100 acres from the Nation. The land was purchased for further railway terminus development and townsite expansion. Today, the Squamish Adventure Centre and Howe Sound Secondary School are located on one of these former reserves.


Fifty years ago, Squamish, Brackendale and Mamquam amalgamated into a new District Municipality of Squamish on December 15, 1964. This amalgamation paved the way for present day Squamish, joining these three communities under one local government and setting the stage for a major infrastructure investment throughout the valley.


In the spirit of celebration and collaboration, community organizations have come together to plan ways to mark these milestones throughout 2014. Led by the Chamber of Commerce, organizations including the District of Squamish, Downtown Squamish Business Improvement Association, the Squamish Chief Newspaper, Squamish Public Library, Squamish Historical Society, Squamish Arts Council, Loggers Sports, Britannia Mine Museum, West Coast Railway Association and others have been meeting to develop and implement a plan.

Community members and organizations interested in joining the 2014 celebration planning committee are invited to contact the District at 604-815-5025 or communications@squamish.ca.

Historical references can be viewed online at: www.squamish.ca/SQ2014


July 11, 2013

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