Neighbourhood Nooks ready for installation

Neighbourhood Nooks have been constructed off-site and will be installed beginning mid September.

The District of Squamish is moving forward with installation of 11 Neighbourhood Nooks this week, following public engagement efforts earlier this summer. The Neighbourhood Nooks will provide protection from sun, rain and snow and will serve as gathering spaces in parks across our community.

The budget for each structure (construction and install) is approximately $12,500 and is being funded through the Province of BC COVID-19 Restart Grant. The interior of the Nooks will be located to be visible from main pathways and adjacent roadways in order to address concerns for misuse.

Between June 9 and July 4, 2022 District staff conducted public engagement with residents to discuss this series of weather protected spaces proposed to be located across Squamish. District staff hosted pop-up events at each of the proposed locations to meet with residents in-person and learn about their ideas for the new spaces. Residents were also able to provide ideas and ask questions using an online mapping tool hosted on Throughout the process, staff heard from more the 150 residents.

The District wishes to thank all those who participated and provided input. Feedback was received about where to place the new structures within each of the proposed parks and about design features that could be included to meet the needs of the neighbourhood the space will serve.   

As a result of the feedback, these structures are now being called Neighbourhood Nooks. 

An Engagement Summary can be viewed here with specific feedback itemized for each park. Each structure received unique feedback depending on the location and groups that will use it. Note that of the 12 structures that were discussed, 11 will be installed. The structure proposed at Blue Jay Way Park will not be installed due to feedback which indicated residents were not in favour at this time.

The District thanks all those residents who have joined the Let's Talk Squamish community and encourages others to get involved in other projects currently being discussed.

Learn more at

September 13, 2022

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