Mamquam Bridge Deck Rehabilitation


The Mamquam River Bridge is almost 40 years old, and its bridge deck is in need of rehabilitation to ensure continued satisfactory operating conditions. A consultant was hired in 2023 to do a condition assessment of the bridge deck and the survey revealed significant delamination to the bridge deck and recommended full rehabilitation by the end of 2025.

In addition to the deck rehabilitation work, the District aims to investigate conceptual design possibilities for enhancing active transportation facilities on the Mamquam River Bridge. This design initiative entails generating conceptual designs for a potential structural extension to the bridge to accommodate additional road width for active transportation enhancements.

Construction for the bridge deck rehabilitation is tentatively scheduled for summer 2025. There is no timeline for the active transportation upgrades at this time.

Background/Project Information

Built in 1987, the Mamquam River Bridge is 81-metres long and consists of two traffic lanes with sidewalk on both sides. It is a critical piece of infrastructure for the District, serving as the only municipal roadway connecting the north and south sides of the Mamquam River.

The bridge deck rehabilitation will involve the removal and full-depth repair of delaminated or deteriorated concrete, the installation of galvanized reinforcing steel, embedding of anodes, and a completely new concrete mat overlay. This work will require either periodic or full bridge closures. The consultant will review options for construction phasing and make best efforts to minimize disruptions.

The active transportation analysis is a concept-level exercise to explore possible facility upgrades within the existing structure. It will also assess whether completing upgrades alongside the bridge deck rehabilitation offers any advantages. The consultant’s analysis will determine whether the projects can be completed simultaneously, with the exercise set for completion by the end of August 2024.

Budget: $5 million


  • Design completion expected by the end of 2024.
  • Construction anticipated to begin in spring of 2025.


Residents should anticipate the following impacts during construction, between 7 am and 6 pm from Monday to Saturday:

  • Potential for bridge closures during construction
  • Vibrations and noise due to compaction and excavation
  • Increased traffic and congestion due to construction activities and vehicles

Project Contact

Jon Allan – District of Squamish
Project Manager

September 12, 2024

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