Pia Lift Station Rehabilitation


The District has engaged a consultant to assist with upgrading the Pia Sanitary Lift Station #2 (“Lower Pia”) and decommission an aging, obsolete lift station nearby (“Pia #1”) in spring of 2025. The upgrades are expected to alleviate odour concerns, decommission an aging asset, and improve access to existing infrastructure.

Background/Project Information

RF Binnie Consultants completed a condition assessment of all District sanitary lift station facilities in 2020, and provided recommendations for the future maintenance and operations of both Pia Lift Stations.

Due to the number of issues, as well as the age and condition of Pia Lift Station #1, it was recommended that measures be taken to phase out its usage. The consultant identified the possibility to servicing the catchment area solely using the Pia #2, with some modifications to the local sewers and forcemains.

The upgrades will include the following:

  • Replace existing pumps at Pia#2 Lift Station with new pumps, VFD’s, ATS, UPS and control cabinet;
  • Abandon existing Pia #1 lift Station by opening existing gravity piping to allow all inflows to run to Pia #2;
  • Connect existing Pia #1 forcemain to Pia #2 forcemain to pump all inflows from Pia #1 to the existing discharge point;
  • Add new generator unit as an optional item;
  • Install a new valve chamber outside wet well at Pia #2;
  • Install new truck driveway to the existing wet well;
  • Add yard lighting and SCADA antenna (new kiosk) for remote communication;
  • Upgrade a 150-metre section of forcemain at Pitlochry Way.

Budget: $2 million


Construction is anticipated to begin in Spring 2025.


Residents should anticipate the following impacts during construction, which will take place from 7 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday:

  • Vibration and construction noise
  • Additional odour throughout construction
  • Additional traffic and congestion due to construction activities and vehicles;
  • Single-lane alternating traffic during forcemain upgrade.

Project Contact  

Jon Allan – District of Squamish
Project Manager

Map of works area along Pia Road, Jay Crescent, Condor Road, Jay Crescent ang Jay Place.

September 12, 2024

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