Proposed Changes to the OCP

Zoning Changes2

Bylaw No. 2267 includes amendments to the Official Community Plan. These amendments have either been directed by Council motion (ie: Drive-through amendments, December 18, 2012) or have been generated by other emerging projects in the community (ie: Development Permit Guidelines for storage containers, and recreational group storage facilities).

Public Information Session: February 6 (6-8pm Library Board Room)
Public Hearing:
February 18, 7 p.m. (Council Chambers)


The public information session will introduce proposed changes to the Official Community Plan, including

(i) housekeeping amendments to the Growth Management Policy,

(ii) Partnership with First Nations  Arts and Culture,

(iii) Residential policies – clarification on panhandle subdivisions,

(iv) Commercial land policies – no NEW drive-throughs,

(v) Temporary Use Permits allowed on Institutional zoned properties. and

(vi) Conditions for shipping containers added to Development Permit Areas.

This session will be an opportunity for District staff to present proposed changes as noted above, and to answer questions. There will be a presentation on the Bylaw at 6:30 followed by a question and answer session.  Feedback forms will be available.

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