Bylaw No. 2303 proposes 80 amendments to the Zoning Bylaw. These amendments include Council-directed motions such as allowing backyard chickens, addressing other topical issues that have arisen since the last amendments to the Zoning Bylaw, and amendments of a housekeeping nature to ensure that language in the Zoning Bylaw is clear.
First and Second Readings (RESCHEDULED): March 18, 2014
Public Hearing (RESCHEDULED): May 6 at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers, Municipal Hall
On December 17, 2013, at Council Committee of the Whole, staff presented proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaw for discussion. District staff then brought forward proposed amendments to Council for first and second readings at the Regular March 18 Council meeting.
A Public Information Session was held on January 27, 2014 in advance of Council reading the bylaw. District staff introduced the proposed changes, answered questions, and gathered feedback to incorporate in the proposed amendments.
Please note that two amendments which had previously been considered in the Zoning Bylaw Omnibus Amendment BYL 2303 have been removed as they require additional research and consultation:
The following proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaw are highlighted for specific consideration:
a) Urban agriculture – chickens, residential farmgate sales and beekeeping – Revise definition of Urban Agriculture to include keeping of bees and provide regulations for bee keeping. In addition, on March 18, 2014, Council made a motion to include keeping of poultry and allowing residential farmgate sales within the definition of urban agriculture. No regulations are proposed in the Zoning Bylaw Omnibus Amendment related to keeping of poultry or residential farmgate sales.
b) Shipping containers – Provide definitions for Shipping Container and Temporary Building. Provide regulations related to Shipping Containers, such as: use; siting; and adherence to BC Building Code when not considered a Temporary Building. Allow community and event storage in P-3 Zone. Allow shipping containers to be used for residential dwelling or home office purposes if they meet all other regulations of the Zoning Bylaw.
c) Accessory buildings size – Clarify maximum size of accessory buildings and maximum number. In addition, increase the maximum size of accessory buildings in RM and I Zones from 60 m2 (645 square feet) to 140 m2 (1,507 square feet).
d) Indoor food production– Define, and include in the definition of Industrial and Light Industrial, thereby allowing this use on industrial zoned lands.
e) Incorporation of alternative vehicle fuels and electric charging stations – Provide definition for Alternative Fuel Station. Provide definition and regulations for Electric Vehicle Charging Station. Revise name of C-2 Zone ‘Gasoline Service Station Commercial’ to ‘Vehicle Fueling Station’ (which includes both gasoline and alternative fuels);
f) Medical marijuana production – Revise language in Zoning Bylaw to reflect new federal regulations coming into effect April 2014.
g) Alcoholic beverage manufacturing - Allow Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturing use (includes distillery/ brewery/ winery), including tasting room and sales of liquor manufactured on-site, in light industrial I-1 Zone and Downtown C-4 Zone.
h) Pet care – Provide definition for pet daycare and to allow in RL Zones and RE Zone. In addition, allow pet daycare as Home Occupation, Residential business if less than three dogs in a single-unit or two-unit dwelling. Retain ‘grooming of domestic dogs and cats’ as a permitted use in I-1, and add accessory pet daycare to that in I-1.
i) Park, Recreational, and Institutional Use (P-3)– Permit community and event storage as a principal use.
j) Local Commercial Zone (C-1) – Permit fitness centre; home occupation, office; liquor primary establishment; as principal uses. Permit accessory retail sales as accessory use.
k) Tourist Commercial Zone (C-3)– Permit a wider range of uses in the C-3 Zone, including arts and culture, interpretive area, and accessory retail sales.
l) Downtown Commercial Zone (C-4) – Permit assembly; home occupation, office; liquor primary establishment; and alcoholic beverage manufacturing as principal uses. Permit accessory retail sales as accessory use.
m) Light Industrial (I-1) – Permit alcoholic beverage manufacturing as principal use.
n) Resource land use– Zone any “uncoded” or “unzoned” land as Resource.
o) Off-street parking design criteria – Require that driveways to residential units be either a minimum of 6 metres (19.7 ft) in length, or that no driveway be provided.
p) Small Lot Zone RS-3 – Require that double garages be a minimum of 7m internal width (previously 5.5m).
To submit your comments, please print the feedback form and drop it off at Municipal Hall or use the comment field below.
If you have any questions about the proposed general amendments or the upcoming Public Information Session, please contact District of Squamish Planner Elaine Naisby at (604) 815-4965 or at
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