Audio quality at Woodfibre LNG presentation

The District of Squamish would like to express our apologies to those who tuned in online to stream today's Committee of the Whole meeting and the Woodfibre LNG presentation.  We are aware of how poor the audio quality was and sincerely apologize.

While moving to a larger venue to accommodate the expected crowd was well-intentioned, we were using new portable streaming equipment. This was the first meeting ever to be live-streamed outside the Council Chambers 'studio' (where we've invested heavily in audio and video technology). Issues with peripheral noise from today's venue and microphone connections arose that had not presented themselves when testing the equipment and stream-signal the day prior. We will be re-testing and refining this mobile technology before the next off-site meeting.

We are hopeful that the audio on the  recording of the meeting can be adjusted to improve quality and will post the archived video here later his week. In the meantime, today's three PowerPoint presentations are available on our Committee page at

Committee agendas, minutes and expert presentations are all available at

September 16, 2014

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