Squamish gets ready to buckle down for Branding Boot Camp

In a town where fitness boot camps are de rigeur, it’s only appropriate that Squamish’s Brand Development Committee (BDC) will kick off its own version of boot camp April 8 to 11. The BDC will spend the week in Branding Boot Camp with project facilitators Roger Brooks International to develop the brand story, product development objectives and the brand’s graphic look and feel. The community is invited to view the results of the BDC’s work during a presentation by Roger Brooks, Friday, April 11 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at The Ledge Cafe on Cleveland Avenue.

The Brand Development Committee (BDC) has spent countless hours shaping the Squamish brand direction over the past few weeks, analyzing the data and identifying themes from January’s brand survey responses and various other exercises. Over 1,100 people completed the survey.

“Overall the responses to the survey were filled with enthusiasm and passion for the place we call home,” says BDC member Randy Stoyko, General Manager of Business and Community Services at the District of Squamish. “We heard a lot about the outdoor aspects of our community, which was no big surprise. Nature, sports, the mountains, rivers, trails and ocean took centre stage across the majority of responses. We learned why people moved here, why they stay here, why they visit here (for those who responded as non-residents), and why they love it here. Thank you Squamish for inspiring us!”

Further work by the BDC has included feasibility testing of a series of brand direction ideas to determine what really differentiates Squamish from other places. The feasibility testing answered questions about whether the community could buy in; whether investment opportunities exist; how wide of an audience would be attracted; are other communities saying the same thing; will it extend our seasons, etc.

Branding Boot Camp will finalize all the results of the analysis and exploration and will lay the foundation for the development of the brand graphics and an action plan for implementing the brand. To cap the week off, the BDC invites members of the community to get a first glimpse of the new brand direction Friday morning at The Ledge Cafe (providing space for approximately 80 to 100 people). The presentation will begin at 9 a.m. and will be recorded in order to share at a later date with those unable to attend.

The next phase of the branding project will be focused on implementation and a Brand Leadership Team will be formed to champion the brand throughout the community and beyond. Further details regarding the formation of this team will be announced in the coming days.

The BDC invites the community to learn more about their work online at squamish.ca/brand   

The BDC has also launched an online social media campaign to further inform their work, encouraging Squamish residents (and visitors) to share photographs and videos of what life in Squamish looks like through their own eyes. The campaign has a Facebook page called This Is My Squamish, and residents are also invited to share their photos on Instagram and Twitter with the hashtag #thisismysquamish.

April 1, 2014

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