Campfire ban to be implemented in District of Squamish on Thursday at noon

The District of Squamish will implement a municipal campfire ban effective 12 p.m. on Thursday, May 16, 2024, due to ongoing dry weather and current wildfires causing a drain on provincial wildfire resources. The District will also implement the Coastal Fire Centre ban on all Category 2 and Category 3 open fires. All open fires within the District of Squamish will be prohibited until these bans are rescinded. 

This campfire ban within the District of Squamish is being implemented ahead of a provincial campfire ban. All campfires within the District will be prohibited and all campfire permits will be suspended until the ban is rescinded. Campfire permit holders will receive a notification of the ban and suspension of the permit.

“Community awareness and early reporting is key to being prepared in the event of a wildfire and we all have a responsibility to support this effort and follow the advice of local authorities,” says District of Squamish Mayor Armand Hurford. “Thank you to our residents and visitors for your vigilance as we approach the summer season.”

The following activities are prohibited under the bans:

Never allowed within District of Squamish boundaries:

“With several wildfires burning throughout the province already in May, both provincial and municipal resources are already being utilized, and it’s important to consider this in our community safety planning,” says Squamish Fire Rescue Chief Aaron Foote. “Thank you for your cooperation to help keep our community safe in advance of the long, hot summer ahead.”

The campfire prohibition does not apply to cooking stoves that use gas, or propane, or portable campfire devices that use liquid, or gaseous fuel, provided they are CSA or ULC approved, and the height of the flame is less than 15 centimetres.

To report a wildfire, unattended campfire, or open burning violation, call 911 if within the municipal boundaries or call 1-800-663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cell phone. 

For the latest information on current wildfire activity throughout the province, go to

May 14, 2024

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  • Paul Watt May 28, 2024, 6:15 PM (3 months ago)

    This is getting ridiculous. Another week of rain, and there's a continuing blanket ban on backyard fire pits? People will ignore rules that are unreasonable. Back yard fire pits are not the problem.
    Please adjust this ban to make a tiny bit of sense.
    Here's an evolving petition:

  • Pat Smith May 28, 2024, 4:50 PM (3 months ago)


    I respectfully request that under the current conditions the backyard fire permit program be allowed. Easing this specific restriction, (while keeping others on, if required), considering the current conditions makes sense. it would also make sense that, outside of specific operational issues, backyard campfire bans are understood by the community. ie: under what conditions are they implemented, and when are they eased?

    Lastly, can we please update our signage that says "Extreme Fire Hazard." People are going to get sign fatigue. I'm concerned that when we do go into HIGH or EXTREME fire hazard the public won't be as careful because signage has been up since VERY LOW fire danger. Please update signage, or post accurate signage.

    Thank you for keeping the community safe. I appreciate the work you do, even though I disagree with this decision.


  • Brandon May 28, 2024, 3:18 PM (3 months ago)

    According the the BC Wildfire Service the danger rating in Squamish is currently at 1 - Very Low with cool wet weather forecast for the next couple weeks. When will the campfire ban be lifted?

  • Brandon May 28, 2024, 3:17 PM (3 months ago)

    According the the BC Wildfire Service the danger rating in Squamish is currently at 1 - Very Low with cool wet weather forecast for the next couple weeks. When will the campfire ban be lifted?

  • Thomas Ernst May 25, 2024, 1:48 PM (4 months ago)

    Is this ban going to be lifted after wet weather, or can we expect it to remain in place until the fall?

  • Pat Smith May 23, 2024, 2:52 PM (4 months ago)

    I am following up on the recent municipal fire ban. I am curious when the municipal policy direction was changed to begin banning campfires within the DoS ahead of the Province's ban. The Province uses a set criteria to assess the current fire risk and set parameters based on that criteria. The District (and most BC muni's) follow that criteria because it makes sense. Curious as to what criteria the District of Squamish is using to make the decisions to suspend campfires. Including the campfire permit system that requires residents to have water on hand, firebreaks, size of fire etc. What can residents expect moving forward, and how are decisions being made. Thanks.

  • Saskia May 22, 2024, 1:29 AM (4 months ago)

    Wondering with the recent wet weather and the continued forecast for wet weather if this might be temporary lifted?

  • Glenn Stainton May 20, 2024, 4:04 PM (4 months ago)

    Two questions:
    1) how many times has fire suppression responded to a backyard campfire in the past year?
    2) why can these bans not be more selectivity targeted . By this I mean, I understand banning campfires in the forest interface areas but these bans restrict campfires everywhere including backyards in the fireplaces built and used as per the district guidelines that provide hours of enjoyment to families and children, also this current ban had no relevance to the current weather conditions this weekend in Squamish

  • Tanya Jamieson May 20, 2024, 4:05 AM (4 months ago)

    Does this apply to campfires within provincial Park boundaries? I.e. campsites at Alice Lake ?

  • Falk Bretschneider May 17, 2024, 3:52 PM (4 months ago)

    I appreciate being careful, but a “camp fire ban” including a wood fired sauna - which is a building with a closed wood fired appliance and a ULC chimney (if done correctly and legally) - is more than a stretch. I think this should not be included as there is no justification for such a ban. This is the same a banning a fire in a woodstove inside a home. The district and fire chief are clearly overstepping their jurisdiction here - this is out of line. I wholeheartedly object and expect an explanation and reason for the inclusion. Being careful is one thing, but I will not have the use of my personal property randomly restricted. You are overstepping drastically. How many wildfires have been caused by a wildfires sauna? How many campfires on private property have caused a wildfire? The answer is zero - it hasn’t happened and the risk is no greater than any home fire. I’m not here to suggest a campfire ban isn’t a prudent thing, but this is going too far.

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