Tuesday's Council meeting hits the trails for a unique look at active transportation opportunities

District of Squamish Council and staff will grab their bikes and take Tuesday's Committee of the Whole meeting "on the road", or on the bike trail in this case, as they tour Squamish’s connector bike routes focusing on active transportation opportunities. The public is invited to bike along and join in the conversation. The estimated three-hour tour will begin at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, September 20 at Municipal Hall. The public can join in at any point along the route.


11:10 a.m. – 12 p.m.: Travel by bicycle from Municipal Hall via Third Avenue, routing along Discovery Trail, Buckley Avenue, Queensway and Government Road to Brackendale. Stops will include:

12 – 1 p.m.: Lunch at Crabapple Café

1 – 2 p.m.: Travel by bicycle from Brackendale to Municipal Hall via:

During the tour, Council will visit each of the sites to discuss the opportunities and challenges specific to each area with the ultimate goal of making it easy to connect Squamish neighbourhoods on foot or by bike.

For more information about active transportation initiatives in Squamish and to view the District of Squamish Active Transportation Plan, visit: squamish.ca/active-transportation.

September 19, 2016

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