District clarifies residential recycling program processing in light of CBC Marketplace story

Many residents may have seen or read the CBC Marketplace story on commercial plastics collections and recycling this weekend, and a number of residents have contacted the District of Squamish for reassurance on the processing of Squamish recycling. For clarity, the District of Squamish residential (blue tote/curbside pickup) recycling program is executed as follows:

Recycle BC has created this short informational video to explain its end-markets for plastics, glass, metals, paper and soft and flexible plastics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=185&v=018fw3HbJ4c

While we are fortunate to have a strong recycling program in British Columbia, we encourage all residents to think about the 5 Rs, and note that Recycling is the very LAST R:

  1. Refuse
  2. Reduce
  3. Reuse
  4. Repurpose
  5. Recycle

Read our Curbside Collection FAQ to learn more about what happens to your curbside recycling, glass and other recyclables that are dropped off in Squamish.

October 1, 2019

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