District of Squamish amalgamation took place 50 years ago today

December 15, 2014 - 50 years ago today, the District of Squamish was officially created with the amalgamation of the Village of Squamish, Brackendale and Mamquam.

"NOW KNOW YE THAT by these present we do order and proclaim that the residents of the area of land… on, from and after the 15th day of December 1964, be incorporated as a district municipality under the name of the District of Squamish..."

The 1964 Letters Patent can be viewed in full on our website.

A time capsule will be buried on December 16 at 1 p.m. in Pavilion Park to be opened in 2064! Everyone welcome. View photos, video and contents from the time capsule event.

The District officially celebrated the 50th anniversary with a Community Picnic in August of this year, while a delegation from the District's Sister City, Shimizu, Japan, was in town. And while the District is just 50 years young, the Village of Squamish got the name "Squamish" and the original townsite was considered complete in 1914. The District's 50th anniversary is just one of the many milestones celebrated in 2014 during our 100 Years of Squamish celebrations. Visit www.squamish.ca/2014 or www.squamish2014.ca for more details.

December 15, 2014

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