District of Squamish launches new website to encourage widespread climate action in Squamish

Interactive site illustrates Six Big Moves of the District's Community Climate Action Plan

The District of Squamish has launched a new website to educate local residents on the science and impacts of climate change. The comprehensive online resource includes actionable steps, downloads, resources and climate-related information to help residents better understand the effects of climate change, individual carbon footprints, how Greenhouse Gas emissions are calculated, and how residents can make the shift towards creating a brighter future for Squamish. 

“The climate emergency is at the forefront of our policies, decision-making and operations and it is imperative that we work together as a community to realize the impacts of our actions,” says District of Squamish Mayor Karen Elliott. “Small steps can make a big impact if we are all in this together, and it can be as simple as programming your thermostat, composting your food scraps or taking transit just one day per week. Climate change is happening and we have no choice but to take it seriously. We each have a role to play in rising to the global climate change challenge and when we do so, we truly can and will make a difference.”

The interactive online presence includes:        

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) related to climate change, global warming, climate adaptation and climate mitigation;
  • Links to videos, books, podcasts and resources to further expand climate change knowledge;
  • Downloadable 'explainer' guides to Electric Vehicles, Buildings, Waste and Active Transportation;
  • Climate Action Checklist with simple steps residents can take to reduce their carbon footprint in the areas of transportation/travel, building, waste and food;
  • Guidelines for developers and businesses;
  • A Carbon Emission Calculator to determine individual climate change impact;
  • A comprehensive guide to the District’s Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP) and Six Big Moves within;
  • A detailed overview of actions and resources related to local climate adaptation. 

In 2019, the District of Squamish declared a Climate Emergency and set out to create a framework for how Squamish can reduce its greenhouse emissions. Adopted in April 2020, the CCAP identifies Six Big Moves to guide community efforts to reduce emissions by 38,3000 tonnes CO2e by 2030 and reach carbon neutrality by 2050.

Residents are invited to become a Climate Action Champion by taking the pledge to make a commitment to climate change at home, school, work and on the go. 

To take the pledge, visit squamish.ca/climate-action-champion.  

To learn more about climate action initiatives and view the climate action website visit climateactionsquamish.ca

To share your ideas on how we can improve this new online resource, please let us know by sending your feedback to communications@squamish.ca



March 11, 2021

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