District of Squamish responds to ‘green light’ for Woodfibre Liquefied Natural Gas project

The District of Squamish learned Friday morning that the Woodfibre Liquefied Natural Gas (WLNG) plant has received corporate authorization to proceed. The Province of British Columbia and the Board of the Woodfibre LNG Corporation announced Friday morning that the $1.6 billion project will move forward to become B.C.’s first LNG plant. The Province also announced a new eDrive electricity rate that could result in reductions of GHGe emissions from the project by 80%.

“This news isn’t surprising given that WLNG has acted as if it were going to proceed for several months now. We believe the new eDrive rate has helped facilitate the business decision as to whether or not this project is viable,” says District of Squamish Mayor Patricia Heintzman. “The project has been and will continue to be a controversial proposal in Squamish. We, as a community, have extremely high expectations regarding the safety of our community, the safety of our waterways and the protection of our environment.”

With 650 construction jobs, 100 operational jobs and LNG ready to be shipped by 2020, there are community and socio-economic impacts, both positive and negative, that the District of Squamish must ready for and prepare to embrace.

An environmental assessment certificate which included 25 legally binding conditions, received provincial approval in October 2015 and federal approval in March 2016. Construction is scheduled to start in 2017 with first shipments planned for 2020.

The provincial announcement can be viewed online

November 4, 2016

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