District of Squamish responds to provincial approval of Woodfibre Liquefied Natural Gas Environmental Assessment Certificate

The District of Squamish learned Monday afternoon that the provincial government has granted an environmental assessment certificate to Woodfibre Liquefied Natural Gas. The certificate has been issued with 25 legally enforceable conditions that will oversee the construction, operation and ultimate decommissioning of the project. The federal environmental assessment decision has not yet been announced. The FortisBC Eagle Mountain pipeline expansion environmental assessment process (seeking federal and provincial approval) is still underway and a decision is not expected until the first quarter of 2016.  

The District has yet to be able to review the 25 conditions but expects that the community’s extensive concerns, as submitted through the environmental assessment process, are adequately addressed.

“Our community has spoken very clearly on its concerns about the Woodfibre LNG project, and it is our sincere hope that these 25 conditions reflect our community’s input,” says District of Squamish Mayor Patricia Heintzman. “Whether for or against this project, our residents and business owners are aligned in demanding that the future health and protection of Howe Sound and our environment be held in the highest esteem. We will be looking closely at the conditions and the ongoing process as we await the federal decision and the outcome of the FortisBC environmental assessment process.”

The provincial announcement can be viewed online.

October 26, 2015

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