District of Squamish Statement on CUPE 2269 Strike Action Vote

The District of Squamish is informing the community that CUPE 2269, the Bargaining Unit representing employees of the District of Squamish, received a strike mandate from its members at a Union meeting Tuesday night, December 12.  This puts the Union in a position to serve the District with strike notice. The Union would be required to provide 72-hour strike notice should they choose to take any job action. Prior to any strike action, essential services will be determined.

The District of Squamish bargaining team has been at the table with the Union since May 26, 2023. Negotiations progressed until the Union requested a mediator be brought in to assist with bargaining. Mediated sessions did not result in an agreement.  During the last day set for mediation, the mediator advised that the Union was walking away from the table. 

The District is responsible to taxpayers in the amounts it offers at the bargaining table. The District also understands that it is a service organization, and that its strength is its hard-working employees. The most recent offer included general wage increases equal to those in much larger metro municipalities to ensure it remains competitive and fair as an employer. On other outstanding issues around scheduling, the District believes it upholds an organizational culture that both prioritizes delivery of services to the public, and offers work-life balance to employees, and this has been a key principle through bargaining.

The District has not walked away from the bargaining table and continues to express a willingness to get back to bargaining.  

At this time, the District cannot be certain as to the timing or extent of any potential job action or impacts on service. The timing of any strike action would be determined by the Union. The District would provide public updates to residents as required.


December 13, 2023

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