District seeking public feedback on updated list of proposed locations for off-leash dogs

The District of Squamish is conducting a survey to collect public feedback on an updated list of proposed pilot locations in Squamish for off-leash dogs, and a set of conditions owners must meet to use those locations. This is a continuation of a public engagement process that builds on previous feedback and aims to ensure harmony and safety across the community for dogs, dog owners, and non-dog owners alike. A survey in 2019 obtained feedback on a number of sites which were then adjusted and refined to address wildlife and sensitive habitats.  Results from this latest survey will inform a recommendation to Council later this fall.

Launch the survey.

The survey will remain open until October 12, 2021. Paper copies will be available at Municipal Hall and Brennan Park Recreation Centre, as well as in-person engagement opportunities at locations across Squamish. 

The District is taking a phased approach to ensure off-leash dog locations are gradually introduced to the community so they can be piloted and tested for success. Success will be achieved when owners follow off-leash responsibility conditions.

Two categories of locations are being proposed:

 Off-leash areas may be fully fenced or partially fenced. The areas and trails may be subject to temporary and seasonal closures as needed for environmental, wildlife conservation, or maintenance reasons.  

Proposed Off-Leash Areas

Proposed Off-Leash Trails

 A map of all proposed areas is available online.

Proposed Conditions

Dog owners, or those responsible for a dog, will be required to meet the following proposed conditions to use off-leash dog locations:

It will be emphasized through signage that Squamish is a Bear Smart community that is surrounded by wildlife including bears, wolves, cougars, bobcats, and coyotes. People who choose to allow their dogs off-leash in these areas are doing so at their own risk. The District is not responsible for any harm caused to dogs by wildlife in off-leash areas or trails.

This is the next step in an ongoing public engagement process that was put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic as Bylaw Enforcement staff turned their focus to emerging priorities. District of Squamish staff have taken the public feedback received in 2019 and, along with internal engagement, have reconsidered the original list of proposed off-leash dog locations with a focus on protecting sensitive habitats. 

The list of locations has not been reviewed by Council at this time. Feedback collected in the survey will be used to help inform a staff recommendation to Council later this fall about whether some or all of the proposed locations should move forward. Approved locations would run as a pilot project to see what works and how to make improvements over time before considering additional locations in the future.

A full review of the Animal Control Bylaw is planned in 2022 as part of the ongoing work on the off-leash process. 

Information and maps of the locations are available here

September 24, 2021

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  • Krista Sep 24, 2021, 4:45 PM (3 years ago)

    Off leash dogs and horses are a very dangerous situation for all, dogs, horses and rider.

  • David Colwell Sep 24, 2021, 4:24 PM (3 years ago)

    I am all for off leash dog areas. A great idea. But please police the streets for off-leash dogs. I have for many years had close neighbours who have the philosophy that it is OK to let your dog run free. Let them out in the morning to run free and do whatever. They get up and let their dog in and have breakfast. I have one neighbour who has never had a leash! And he has had three dogs since I have known him. I have another who has a little dog who is continually being brought back to their home after it has been wondering around a neighbourhood of half a mile radius. Apparently everything is on trust and subject to education. Well, honestly this does not cut it!

    • Lauren Clarke Sep 24, 2021, 10:08 PM (3 years ago)


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