District working towards a digital future

Community Digital Strategy survey launched to understand community needs and desires on the topic of connectivity 

The District of Squamish is seeking resident and business input to help shape a new Community Digital Strategy that will promote greater community connection, support government openness and transparency, attract economic opportunities and close the ‘digital divide’ to ensure a level playing field for all.  A survey is now online.

“Although important and foundational, a Community Digital Strategy goes well beyond the services that the District provides,” says District of Squamish Mayor, Patricia Heintzman. “Our goal is to ensure the community’s growing digital needs will be met, be it high speed connectivity and bandwidth at home, work, or on mobile devices; access to data and online services; or learning opportunities for our youth. A strong digital strategy will show the world that we are future-focused, relevant and ready for digital change.”

Community digital strategies are being developed by progressive cities and municipalities worldwide that recognize the value of a digitally active community and its impact on economic growth. 

“We live in a world that needs to you to be more nimble on this front in order to be competitive and ready for the change,” Heintzman continues. “This digital strategy is about getting us to the point where we are ready to embrace opportunity and empower a connected and competitive community of the future.”

The foundation for Squamish’s strategy was developed by the District’s Digital Strategy Select Committee, which was formed in 2015 and is comprised of representatives from local businesses, industry and non-profit organizations. The strategy will align with both the District’s Technology Transformation Project, a four-year plan that will update or replace most of the District’s core technology systems, and the Economic Development Strategy, currently underway.

To learn more about the Community Digital Strategy and participate in the survey visit our project page.

May 31, 2016

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