Over to you: New Open Data portal puts District of Squamish data in the hands of the public

The District of Squamish has made it easier to view, map, chart and share the District’s currently published data thanks to a new open data portal. The Squamish Open Data portal contains 35 GIS open data sets in eight categories ranging from environment and recreation to business and transportation. The full catalogue is available online at http://data.squamish.ca.

“Open data is paramount in our ability to build community, support economic development and improve transparency,” says District of Squamish Mayor Patricia Heintzman. “This is a major step forward in becoming a truly open government and ‘smart community’. It will be exciting to see the creative ways in which the data is utilized.”

Squamish joins larger municipalities in embracing the open data framework which allows businesses and individuals to freely copy, publish, distribute and share non-private data within the terms of the British Columbia Open Government Licence. Unleashing the power of open data supports community collaboration, citizen engagement and better decision-making for business owners, developers, engineers, app developers, students and other members of the public.

“The idea behind open data is to provide information to the public for use in whatever way they’d like,” says the District’s GIS Mapping Supervisor Dan Griffin. “As we continue to modernize our systems we will be able to provide more data in a user-friendly format.”

New data sets will be added to the site regularly. For more information and to view all currently published open data visit http://data.squamish.ca

March 10, 2017

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  • Pierre Friele Feb 3, 2023, 10:21 AM (17 months ago)

    Why is the Squamish webmap become less functional. Sure the data portal might be good for people who use ArcGIS, but what about those who simply want to make a decent map on the webmap tool. Cant even get address search function to work, and the topographic contours or multi-year ortho images do not appear now. Really disappointing, and I do not see the logic in removing functionality. Why break it when it don't need to be fixed?

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