Phase 2 of Squamish’s Official Community Plan update complete

Citizen-led “OCPizza” discussions provide input on key policy topics

Pizza and Policy were the focus in Phase 2 of the Official Community Plan update as residents, business owners and community stakeholder groups gathered to share feedback on early policy directions. The initial policy directions were created using community input from Phase 1, along with existing plans and recent studies. A total of 220 people participated in Phase 2 activities which included an online questionnaire, citizen-led “OCPizza Party” discussions and a Public Workshop. A detailed summary of what was heard in Phase 2 engagement is now online.

“Phase 2 was about diving deep into draft policy statements to check in with the community on whether we’re on the right track,” says District of Squamish Mayor Patricia Heintzman. “It was also an opportunity to put our heads together as a community to guide Squamish into the future. Thank you to everyone who took the time to share ideas and opinions with us.”

According to the feedback gathered, the majority of participants expressed their support or strong support for most policy directions. The strongest level of support was received for policies related to the natural environment, recreation, food, arts/culture/heritage and sustainability while policies on topics such as density and industrial lands were the subject of a range of opinions.

Participants also had the opportunity to provide additional comments and ideas related to each topic. A pedestrian-only Downtown Squamish, mandatory bike storage in all new developments, zero waste initiatives, affordable long-term camping options, and more bike lanes were among the additional comments received.

Fifteen topics were grouped into three OCP workbooks: A Growing Squamish, A Thriving Squamish and A Resilient Squamish. The “Growing” workbook received the most input, which included the topics: Land Use and Built Environment; Managing Growth; Natural Environment; Resource Management; and Recreation Assets and Access. The most popular topic was Recreation Assets and Access.

The feedback received from Phase 2 will be used to develop the first full draft of the updated Official Community Plan which be available for public review and comment in Phase 3 in the Fall.  

The Official Community Plan sets the vision, objectives, goals and priorities for future growth in Squamish and includes tools and policies that will guide future planning decisions on new developments, jobs, housing and the environment. The current OCP was adopted in 2010.

For more information and to subscribe for updates on the Official Community Plan update process visit our project page


June 30, 2016

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